Hi, I'm new to this forum. I recently purchased a gecko from a Pet store and love him. The sales lady said he's a high yellow gecko. I'm unsure of all the morphs. I believe I have adequate housing, he's in a 10 gallon tank with the aquarium carpet, he's got two hides, one that's called a stump den on the warm side and a rock on the cool side. I have an under tank heater, a heat lamp, a water dish and a humid hide. I spritz him and his aquarium once a day and feed him 2-3 crickets a day but he always seems hungry. I'm up for any suggestions on a different ways to care for him like I said I'm new at this. His name is Leonard and he's such a sweet heart. He isn't a baby I'm unsure of his age but we love him.I'll post pictures later if I can.