Hi...my Gecko arrives on Tuesday!



Hi...my Gecko arrives on Tuesday! - 27-12-2008, 12:40 PM


Hi everyone

I've been on and on about getting a Gecko for ages and my Grandparents bought me one for Christmas! It's being delivered to my gaff on Tuesday. I can't tell you how excited i am. I've moved in with a couple of mates aswell so they're also looking forward to it.

From what i've been told she's gunna be a baby Leopard Gecko and there is also a full starter kit coming with her...vivarium, lamps etc. Obviously i'm new to all this so i was wondering if anyone has and tips for me. I've printed pages and pages off the internet so i think i'm just about prepared. I believe the kit comes with everyting but food really. What food would you advise me picking up asap, when should i be feeding it etc? I'm sure the booklet will provide me with information but you guys will obviously be the best people to ask.

Thanks in advance.....


It's a BEAUT Clark!
First of all, congratulations!!! I'm sure you will love him/her.

Kits are great, but they can also be misleading. A lot of kits come with lamps and sand, two unnecessary, and potentially dangerous thing to a baby leopard gecko. Instead of lamps, definitely invest in an UTH (under tank heater) to cover 1/3 of the bottom of the enclosure. You'll need to get a simple thermostat or rheostat to control it, as they can get way over healthy heat levels. The UTH should be set between 88-92* ideally.

As far as food...small mealworms (not mini), and small crickets (not pinheads) are two good staples to start out with. You can put the mealworms in a bowl and leave that in the enclosure at all times. Crickets, you dust, throw them in (for a baby, start out with 6) and check back within a half hour or so. Do not leave a bunch of crickets in the enclosure over night as they can seriously harm a gecko. Feed a baby-juvenile every evening. Do not be alarmed if it doesn't eat right away...traveling is very stressful, not to mention a new home!

Good luck, and definitely post some pictures :)
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Thanks for the quick reply. I'm panicking a little bit now! Haha. The kit comes with -

• Vivarium
• Cobra Heat Mat
• Thermometer
• Substrate
• Natural Shelter
• Water Bowl
• Live Moss
• Comprehensive booklet


It's a BEAUT Clark!
Doesn't sound too bad, and do not panic :) I'm not familiar with the Cobra brand heat mat, but would still go out and get a thermostat or rheostat if possible. The substrate could mean ANYTHING haha...hopefully it's not sand, but repticarpet instead, as that is just fine. Even paper towels is better than sand. I'm not sure what the live moss is for, could be for the moist hide? You'll want a few different hides in there for him/her. One dry/warm, one dry/cool, and a moist (this can be made out of a tupperware container with the lid on, a hole in the side, and wet paper towel in the bottom. This helps for shedding.


So if the kit comes with sand then am i best not to use it...just get some standard paper towels across the bottom instead?! I think i'm just about set...it's just the food that's worrying me now. What food would you advise going out and getting today then?

Thanks alot for this by the way you've been really helpfull...


It's a BEAUT Clark!
Correct. Sand can be ingested by leopard geckos, and cause impaction. No, it does not happen every day, but it's better to be safe then sorry :) Just regular old paper towels is much better. Others use repticarpet (like I said) or get ceramic tiles cut to fit the tank.

Oh, and be sure the tank is AT LEAST a 10 gallon, I saw a leopard start-up kit the other day that was ridiculously tiny. Like a cube.

You can go pick up some mealworms and keep them in the fridge, ready for the gecko's arrival. With baby geckos, I've had better experience with small crickets (they like to hunt them). The crickets you have to put in a container with plenty of air flow, with food and water (lettuce and grain is fine).

Oh, and I never said welcome to Gecko Forums...so...welcome!! :)


Ahhhh the starter kit only comes with a 5 gallon tank! They shouldn't be allowed to sell it as 'the perfect starter set' !!! I'll have to look into getting another one when i can afford it then. I'll get some crickets today!

Can't wait for her arrival...
Thanks again Heather...


It's a BEAUT Clark!
No problem at all Jimmy! I mean, a 5 gallon isn't TERRIBLE for a baby, but they grow so fast, he/she would outgrow it in no time! The minimum most use for an adult is a 10 gallon, I went with 20 gallon when I had my tanks.

I'm excited for you :) Just remember, even though you want to handle them right away, let her/him settle in for a few days first.


New Member
Welcome to the forums

I think tha you could keep it in the 5gallon for a little buy you should probally get a 15 or 20 gal tank soon

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