HI! New forum member!


New Member
new jersey
Hi Everyone :)

Im new to this forum, I have 1 Leo
I believe shes a female
ive been told shes a Mack Snow, shes amazingly cute. Her name is Sage.

I have a few questions, what is the easiest way to tell how old she is?
is SHE really SHE? (how do I really tell if shes a female)
I have her on paper towels till shes a little bigger (ive had her for 2 months now, and shes growing fast), when can i use the sand i purchased for her tank?

Heres some pics of her :D
geckie.jpg geckie4.jpg geckie3.jpg



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. She's a very cute Mack snow. Here are my answers to your questions:

age - There's no way to tell reliably. I'd guess 3-6 months
gender - either google "sexing leopard geckos" and look at the pictures or take a picture of its underside and we'll see what we can do.
sand - consider returning the sand. Definitely return the sand if you bought calci-sand. Leopard geckos in the wild are not Lawrence of Arabia and don't live in sand dunes. They live on hard-packed earth with loose grit. Consider keeping her on ceramic tile which really looks nice. If you must use a particulate substrate, consider coco fiber (I have 1 cage with coco fiber and the 2 geckos are doing fine); if you really really have to go with sand (which I don't recommend), get play sand. Wait at least another 6 months.


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