Hi-new-please help



Hi, my name is Jenny and i am from Washington State.
I have a fifty-five gallon and am setting it up for geckos, but have lots of questions. First off, can i get two female lepards and a female fat tail and put them in the same in closure? I really want three females, one almost entirely black, but, i have no idea where to get them, i only want them as pets and never intend on breeding them and don't want to have to pay a lot, i've been to a ******** down the road from me, and they take good care of the ones they have. I'm very overwhelmed i have bought a book for more info, but, still have no idea where to actually get my gecko. Please help any suggestions would be great.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Put an ad in the wanted section of this forum describing what you want and where you live. There are a number of gecko breeders in Washington and Oregon who could probably help you out. THere are a lot of breeders further away, but maybe this way you could avoid the shipping cost.

Take a look at the classifieds and at the "show off your geckos" pictures and find geckos you like.

Go to the leopard gecko wiki (http://www.leopardgeckowiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page) and look up any morph names that interest you to find out more about them.

Come back here and ask more questions, or ask the breeders you eventually contact.

Then, when you get your gecko, show us some pictures.



lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
Hello, welcome to the forums.
This is a great place for information.

I'm in WA, you just missed the NW Captive Breeder's Expo...

+1 on the comments about keeping Fat-tails and Leos separate...

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