High contrast animals


New Member
Rhode Island
Hi I was wondering how do some breeders get albino animals with high contrast is it incubation temperature or genetics. I believe it’s genetics but just want to make sure.

Ps: 2014 will be my first breeding year and I’m not 100% sure for what gender I should incubate for. any suggestions will help. Thanks.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think high contrast is largely genetics. I say this because I have a boldstripe female that came from 2 boldstripe parents. I have bred her for 2 seasons to a hypo stripe and most of the offspring is not as high contrast. I have gotten some Tremper albinos that have the contrasting white and yellow bands or patches, interestingly, from hypos. I would recommend incubating for female for the following reasons:
--it's much harder than I thought to tell the juvie males from females. This is the first season I'm consistently producing some males and I've spent an awful lot of time looking at gecko bottoms with the magnifying glass
--if it takes you awhile to sell, you may ultimately have to house the young males individually and that takes up more space.



Ridgewood, NJ
I think its largely genetic too but for Tremper albinos it can be quite temperature dependent. The darkness of their color can depend on the temperature they were incubated and/or kept at. Cooler temps result in darker colors. I don't have experience breeding RWs (yet! - they're up for next season!) or Bells so I can't speak to their colors. My bolds, however, don't seem to be influenced by temperature much if at all.

So basically to increase contrast you breed animals you have with the most contrast together and see what happens! If the contrast is more apparent in offspring then keep going, if not, back to the drawing board.

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