His name is Quasimodo



I've been reading a lot about Cresties and have wanted one well the pet shop I go to had this little guy returned after the new owner let him get injured. So I thought I knew a lot but one basic thing how much do they eat like gecko diet, or how many crickets. I've read each should be offered three times a week, never how much. Also can he eat berries? I was told fruit like bananas, peaches, apple, blended in blender. Also giving him Herpivite, but it was suggested to add calcium because of his back. The pet shop knows he wasn't bron this way and he is a year old. I had him checked out no MBD, they even think he can be used to breed. He gets around fine and climbs in the viv. Any help appreciated, susang


poor guy. I love the name though. Suits him well:main_thumbsup: I dont no much about cresties but best of luck


Cibolo, Texas
Wow that guys in bad shape, for the food they eat different amounts so just try 1/2 teaspoon of CGD to 1 teaspoon of water if he eats it all bump it up a bit if theres a lot left reduce, make sure you dust the crickets especially with this guy, and I really dont think breeding him would be very smart.


Hes Gorgeous naturally thats horrible that hes injured I have a sick crestie myself so I know the feeling but obviously he made it this far so he sure is a fighter! ;)


Awwwwwwwwww..........He is so sweet and lucky to have found a good home with you
Good luck with him !!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Was it a reptile vet that said he didn't have MBD? He definitely has severe floppy tail syndrome. Make sure you have plenty of horizontal surfaces (like hammocks) for him to hang out on, if it continues to progress he could lose function in his lower extremities or suffer a broken pelvis. CGD is packed with more of the vitamins and minerals that he needs than fresh fruit but you can add a little extra calcium to the CGD. I have a pet store rescue who has MBD and FTS and he's done well with proper diet and housing. I would be willing to bet that your guy wasn't injured as the pet store said but suffered a lot of neglect. His appearance is consistent with severe FTS and MBD. I commend you for taking him in and good luck with him.

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