Holding a gecko to examine his vent


New Member
I've had my male western banded leopard gecko for about 13 years now and he is easily handled and seems to enjoy being handled. I've recently needed to look at his vent, though, and remove some seminal plugs. He is difficult to hold in a position where I can see the vent, though, and work at the seminal plugs. I don't want to stress him out too much by holding him firmly, or in a position which might risk him dropping his tail. Any suggestions for holding him so I can examine his vent and remove seminal plugs with minimal stress on him?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
By "western banded leopard gecko" do you actually mean a leopard gecko, or a Coleonyx western banded gecko (the ones that are very small --up to 3" at adulthood). If you mean an actual leopard gecko, just holding him and bending him back a bit should not cause him to lose his tail. I do it all the time with mine to check for eggs or to remove shed or seminal plugs. If you just want to look, put him in a clear deli cup, hold it up and look through the bottom. If you want to remove anything, you just have to hold him. If you have an actual western banded gecko, it's so small you may just have to pass on removing a seminal plug.


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