Horrible treatment!


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
I have never been more angry in my life at someone than right now!

Two days ago I took in a bearded dragon because this lady could not take care of it. I thought I had the extra tank and I would care for it awhile and either find it a forever home or keep it.

Well there has been numerous problems like him not eating, pooping, sleeping almost 24 hours, being asleep when even being picked up, dehydration..the list goes on.

I messaged the lady and she told me about his "normal" "daily routine"

She had him (hes 15in) and his sister in a BIRD CAGE outside all day in no shade
She said she would come and "Drizzle" them with water once in awhile

Meaning she had no water bowl for them.

I understand beardies are from the desert, but you can't place them in Arizona 114 degree heat without shade at least!

The bird cage was a plastic (not metal she said so it wouldn't burn them how considerate) but it was a cockatiel cage..not enough room for two 15 in dragons. Let alone one ever.

She said she would feed them zuchinni in the morning and that was there diet.

Well no wonder why he is sick...


New Member
Weymouth MA
You've got an amazingly big heart! I hope you are able to bring them back to health, but something tells me you're not getting rid of them, ;P lol!


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
No I didn't take his sister, I don't believe housing bearded dragons (I have done it before) together because there are always problems with eating and stuff.
She found another home however.

No he doesn't have any sign of MBD his legs are good and his mouth is good. I posted pictures in another thread when I got him, labled "My new stunted dragon"

lol, because go figure he is stunted.

Well having a big heart is kinda messy sometimes. However I am glad I did it.


im glad you did it too. thats... probably the worst attempt at beardie care ive ever heard. a bird cage out in the heat with another dragon and zuchinni to eat? thatll kill a dragon pretty quick...

they really dont need a water bowl, though. they get what water they need from their food and 3-4 baths a week. water bowls have the risk of raising humidity too high and causing respritory problems in their little lungs. theyre really up to you if you want to use em or not though.


Glad you were able to rescue it.

Wish you the best of luck!


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Just wanted everyone to know he found a new home with a close friend of mine who already had two other females.
She is more specialized in their care and actually asked for him because she was looking to get a male anyways.
I am just not a bearded dragon person, not after my male died awhile ago. Leos have become my number one favorites, and its unfair for the dragon.
He has already showed huge leaps, no longer dehydrated and is eating greens daily.
I will keep everyone updated.

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