Horribly Neglected Leopard Gecko


New Member
I just rescued a horribly neglected leo. I honestly do not know how she is still alive. I dewormed her with a dose of Panacur today. She is not eating anything on her own and is very very lethargic. I was able to force feed her 3 mealworms, but she regurgitated them about 4 hours after I fed them to her. She is taking water out of a syringe well. I made a slurry of a/d pet food, a vitamin and calcium powder and water, I gave her 0.3mls. So far she has kept that down. The lady I got her from was worried she had an eye infection but I have not seen her open her eyes at all. The is a layer of black crust over the one eye that I cannot get off, even after soaking it for several minutes. Is it possible she no longer has eyes? ANY suggestions on how to nurse this little girl back to health would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
The eyes are Provably staying shut in pain and weakness. That gecko is in horribly rough shape and will need constant attention from you. My advice would be offer food 24/7 and even try pulling off a mealworms head and rubbing the guts on it's lips to try and stimulate it's appetite. That gecko is on deaths door so try your best and keep us posted. Also make sure it gets plenty of fluids it is extremely dehydrated and malnourished. And remember your calcium and vitamin powder. Good luck!

Josh P.

New Member
It feels terrible to see animals so horribly neglected. This one does seem to be in very poor shape. I wish you the best of luck in taking care of him and thank you for trying this rescue.


New Member
Quincy, IL, U.S.A.
You should try waxworms along with the slurry. Geckos love them and they are easy to digest. Make sure you do it with the slurry though because fat alone can cause problems; the slurry will get the organs functioning properly enough to process lipids(fat) along with supplying the protein for repairing the body.

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