Hot side not hot enough?


New Member
Okay. I've had 2 new female AFTs for 2 weeks now. They're in a 10 gallon tank. I first had a ZooMed UTH made for 1-5 gallons. Couldn't get the temps on the floor over 80. I went right away and got the ZooMed UTH made for 10-20 gallons. I peeled the paper and stuck aluminum foil on there (so it was movable and REmovable), then stuck it to the underside with foil tape on 2 edges. Still can't get the temp over 85 - tops. (As I type, it's 84.5.) I'm using an Exo-Terra digital thermometer/hygometer with the probe on the floor right over the UTH. The floor has an Eco-carpet covered with 2 layers of paper towel. I actually taped (with foil tape) the original smaller UTH (the one for 1-5 gal) to the back wall at the bottom to try to help the heat situation, but it's not helping I think.
I was told (and did buy but haven't installed) to get a ceramic heat emitter (100 watt) and dome to bring the ambient temps up (which, even on the hot side are only about mid-high 70s). Is this right? Just read a recent thread on here in which a lot of you guys told the OP that even a 40 watt red light would be too much and make it too hot. ?? What should I do here? (I did also buy an Intelli-temp heat pad but haven't started using it yet - will that matter you think?)

My house temps are usually very low 70s during the day, and about 66-68 at night. If it matters, I plan, VERY soon, on putting tile down instead of the carpet/paper towels. Oh, and both fatties stay in one specific hide (the one without sphagnum) all day. No idea what they do after dark - dunno if they use the cool side at all thought there's sometimes poop over there.

Sorry for the essay here - just wanted to give you as much info as you needed to best advise! :) Thanks.


New Member
But only the floor is 80-85. The temp in the middle of the hot side is less than that. That matter? I keep reading that they need temps around 90 on the hot side?

Plus - when I put tile down, the floor will assumedly be even cooler as the heat won't be penetrating as well through tile (I assume)?


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
temps of 90 on the hot side if fine, as long as they have a place to cool off. trust me, temps at 85 and 80 are fine also. these animals live underground in the wild. they dig long deep burrows to where the ground is cool and moist. its actually kind of fun and cool if you give your animals the right kind of substrate and enough of it as they will tunnel all over your terrarium. but, you will almost never see them, as they will run to their tunnels as soon as they sense you.

85, 80 is fine. sure, 90 would be great, as long as they have other hides at cooler temperatures if they want it.

as far as temps changing when you put down tile, it really depends what kind of tile you use. different kinds of tile have different properties. for example, ceramic tile will actually block the heat from under the tank. ceramic tile will make any under tank heating elements esentially worthless. they actually use ceramic tiles on the space shuttle to protect it from overheating during re-entry.

stone tile on the other hand has completely different properties from ceramics. stone will absorb and hold heat.

long story short, 85 - 80 is fine. 90 is fine also, but they better have a cool hide if they want it.


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
also, i just realized you said you put aluminum foil on the bottom of the under tank heating pad?

that aluminum foil is reflecting all the heat away from the tank. you kind of ruined your under tank heating pad.

also, given that you are using a 10 gallon tank i would not use another heat source as you could cook your geckos. ive seen it happen in a pet store and it was super sad. it would really suck to find your geckos dead in the part of the tank as far away from the heat as they can get.

are your girls eating? if they are eating you are fine. even if they are not eating, you are probably still fine, as long as they have fat tails. sometimes mine dont eat for weeks and weeks at a time.

a 10 - 20 gallon undertank heating pad will produce enough heat for your geckos, as long as you dont block the heat with ceramic or aluminum foil. sorry man that is kind of funny.

also, for fattys (not that you care) but i have found its best to use a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and peat moss. and dont take my word for it, jmg recomends that mix and they are the ultimate fat tail breeder.


New Member
<sigh> Yeah... I was worried that the aluminum foil was the problem - holding the heat in the pad essentially (same as on a pot when you cook). I did that at the suggestion of a large internet retailer of herp supplies (actually is in their online video) ... Should've listened to my own instincts there.

Not a problem with having ruined it - I'll get another. I *have* an Intelli-temp as yet unused. Should I bother with it or are there any that you recommend or doesn't it really matter so much?

are your girls eating?
Definintely! Eating really well. They're 6-8 weeks old and each of them ate 10+ 1/2" crickets last night. I'm basically letting them eat as much as they want (hope that's not wrong too).


New Member
Should've asked too: I was going to move this tank to a wire stand that has a ceramic tile top. So essentially it was going to be, from the floor up, wire stand, ceramic tile, UTH, glass tank. That okay? I know you said ceramic tile INside is a nono, but is it okay being the surface the UTH and tank are sitting on?

Also - that same place suggested putting expanded polystyrene on the outside surface of the heat pad to keep the heat from going outward instead of inward. Whacha think here?


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
well, im not sure what intellitemp is? some kind of thermo-regulator/sensor?

if so, it sounds cool to me. maybe its overkill, but it sounds fun to play with.

let em eat as much as they want, always. a year and a half from now they will probably stop eating completely for a *long* time (it always happens eventually), and that is probably going to freak you out (it always freaks me out), so for now just enjoy that they eat a lot.

the ceramic stand is fine, doesnt really make a difference.

i think the expanded polyesterne is not needed. really your setup sounds ok to me right now, even with the aluminum foil. when you get a new pad your temps are gonna shoot up. also, ive read warnings from the manufacturer that say do not block the heat. i would definately trust the manufacturer over the retailer.

its against the rules for you to talk about this retailer, but it sounds like they are suggesting a lot of not smart things.


Luxurious Leopards
I like to keep my fattails with a warmer hot spot of 90 and they can go to the cooler side when they wish. They are fed every day, and i can say i have never seen them go on a hunger strike at 1-2 years of age (maybe when ovulating). If they are eating well and seem ok, I wouldnt mess with it too much. Call me if you need a hand sam, sorry i missed your call i was at work.


New Member
HepCat - thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it. And nah, wasn't gonna name the retailer; was just saying that it wasn't my idea to begin with to do the aluminum foil thing. :main_rolleyes:

Pat! The girls are doing great - eating like little fiends. So I guess I'm doing something right somewhere. :)

Thanks guys!

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