Are house geckos considered community animals/ is it ok to keep more than one male in the same tank?
Sep 18, 2008 #1 S starfire8472 Guest Are house geckos considered community animals/ is it ok to keep more than one male in the same tank?
Feb 7, 2009 #2 T The Sloth 666 Guest i had 5 house geckos in a 20 gallon tank at once and it was fine i also had an anole in there as well but the anole liked to take controll of the tank
i had 5 house geckos in a 20 gallon tank at once and it was fine i also had an anole in there as well but the anole liked to take controll of the tank
Feb 7, 2009 #3 R ReptileMan27 New Member Messages 2,409 Location New York There generally fine together from what I have seen. Just make sure to have plently of room and cover for them..
There generally fine together from what I have seen. Just make sure to have plently of room and cover for them..