House Sitting Question - Will Gecko be ok in car?


New Member
Southern USA
Hey guys,

Well I've been asked recently to house sit for my aunt and uncle for a week. My question is: How to travel with a leopard gecko and make it less stressful for him? My uncle already said it was fine for me to bring him to just make sure doors stay closed (which I do at home anyways) to keep the cats away. They don't live very far, it's a 45 minute drive, depending on traffic. I was planning on getting a container that's definitely smaller than his tank, putting some holes in it for him to breath, paper towels, and his coconut hide, and since the water will spill, I think he'd be okay without it till we get there since it's not that far. He'll have his calcium dish of course, and it's been fairly warm here so I'm not too worried about that. There won't be any music on, just the sound of the GPS, and traffic. But the windows will be up so shouldn't be too much on that.

I am bringing his back up tank (the 10 gallon) for the week, and his UTH of course, and a few hides that will be packed safely in the car away from him so they won't fall on him in any way. The main reason I am taking him with me is so that my parents won't forget to check on him every day for me and feed him as needed. He's not a baby anymore, I've had him for 2 months, this is the third month we've had him. I know it's going to be stressful for him but I want to make it less stressful for Merlin. Any other tips and advice? Much appreciated in advanced!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've taken multiple geckos to shows at all times of the year on trips ranging from 45 minutes to 4 hours (each way). Put your gecko in a deli cup, set up the tank when you get to the house and return your gecko to the tank. It will be fine.



New Member
Southern USA
Okay sounds good to me, he was in a little clear round cup thing with holes when we bought him, I think we still have it actually, so I may be able to use that, but I don't know, he's grown a bit since we've gotten him, so may have to look for a little bit bigger cup like you said, lol.

Well don't think we still have the little container we brought him home in but that's okay, I will get something from Walmart before I head over and put holes in it for him. Thanks again for the help ALiza! It means a lot to Merlin and me! ^_^
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New Member
St. Augustine, FL
You can use a plastic butter dish or cool whip container if the deli cup is too small. Be absolutely certain to keep his transport container out of the sun while driving!!!!


New Member
Southern USA
Will do! I have heard that some people use sheets or something like that to cover it so they don't get too much sun. I may be able to use a light pillow case or something like that to keep him away from the sun. Is that a good idea as long as it's not completely covering the container for him to breath?


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
It would do fine in a closed cardboard box, or even a small styrofoam cooler. I'm really paranoid about people traveling with reptiles, unintentionally exposing them to sun. They want to see their new pet all the way home from a show, setting it on the car seat next to them while they drive = cooked herp, and it's dead by the time they get home. Then they contact the seller and want it to be replaced because something must have been wrong with it. I know you love your gecko, and would want to protect it from this situation.


New Member
Southern USA
Okay I will look into getting a cardboard box then to make sure he's away from sunlight. I don't want anything happening to him. I'd lose it if something happened to Merlin!


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Just make sure his container is secure while the car is in motion should you have to make an abrupt stop. A box or cooler as Laney said would be best with maybe a rolled up town or two inside for padding so the container he is in doesn't move much. You stop too quick and he isn't secure... container goes flying and he might get hurt or drop a tail from the scare.

If I'm by myself in the car I've actually put the seatbelt around the box so it doesn't move. Or you can always set it on the passanger side floor if you don't have the ac on and blasting on him.

What can I say, I get paranoid with traveling with them too. lol.


New Member
Southern USA
Lol yea it'll be stressful for him and me this coming weekend. I've actually found a box that will do just fine, and a container that will fit in it with him in there, so everything should be just fine. I'll load the box up with some kind of lining that will keep the container from moving around too much. The only thing I will be worried about is making sure he will have enough air. I know people order geckos online and they're shipped by air and such but just has me worried, you know? Again that's just me being over paranoid as Mom would say XD


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I had to travel with one of my leos when she was young (about 3 months). It was about an hour and a half drive. She was fine, taking it rather well actually, and no harm was done to her. I placed her in a shoebox with air holes, paper towel, and a hide. I had the box on my lap the whole time as well, making sure to keep it away from the sun. Also, I'd make sure the AC isn't on too high as well, you don't want to freeze the little guy!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
We pack all our animals in styrofoam coolers, meat packing boxes to be exact, when vending at a show. They're protected from both heat and cold. Most stuff is stacked in delis but a few big snakes might be in pillow cases. No snakes are in with my lizards. We will use towels if needed to fill any movement gaps. Never lost an animal packed this way, even if the box moves a little.


New Member
Southern USA
Hmm that sounds good too. I did find a box, but I will go to Walmart before the adventure begins just to see if there's a styrofoam box available too. How do you make sure they have enough air? Other than putting holes in their containers?


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
All they need is air holes in their small container. There's plenty of air inside a larger box or cooler to last at least overnight. A cold blooded animal has a different metabolism system than mammals.


New Member
Northeast USA
If you're really worried about air flow you could use plastic canvas; its a clear plastic screen/grid you can get at art supply stores. Just cut a large hole in your container's top and hot glue the plastic canvas around the hole.

To monitor temperatures just cut a smaller hole nearby to stick your thermometer probe through and it's all set.

That's how my gecko travels/will be traveling (15 hour car trip coming up in about 3 weeks). His container is a whipped cream tub that is big enough for him to fit in, but not totally straighten out, I'd say the diameter is about 2/3rds of his total length. definitely worry about over heating and keep him shaded in the car. Also, depending on your cricket container's size, sometimes you can squeeze all the tank furnishings into the 10 gallon with the cricket keeper and pack it so that everything is prevented from shifting. Happy travels.


New Member
Southern USA
Hmm thank you all for the great advice! I will make sure the container he will be in will have enough air holes in it. I have a box and packing peanuts that were already in the box, and I can grab some newspapers too to make sure his container won't move around. It will be interesting to get the crickets in the car too in their tanks. I say tanks 'cause my parents insisted I try getting crickets at Walmart... they're full grown crickets though, so I don't know, I'm hoping my dad will use them as bait eventually. I got smaller ones for him to eat after that. I said no to the big crickets for him, though he has eaten a few that were bigger than the ones that I've gotten him now. But I won't try that again for awhile if I can help it. He may not have had any problems eating them but I just think small crickets are best for now for him. It'll be interesting to hear the crickets in the car on the way though >_>


New Member
Southern USA
Just a little update... I was right, I over panicked about the whole traveling bit, and everything turned out just fine of course. Merlin settled in just fine, and even continued eating which was what I was worried about. So he's doing fine, has his healthy appetite, I'm just trying to keep the temps where they need to be, at least for a minimal. They're at 88.2 for now on the warm side. I'd prefer 90 but 88 will have to do 'cause I can't raise the temps too much at the house due to not my house, and because of the other animals. Since he did fine on the way over, I am certain he will be fine on the way home. I am just not sure if I will take him home Thursday or Friday yet, oh well I'll figure it out before then hopefully, lol.

On a side note: one of the animals I am taking care of is a rabbit, who'd have thought they'd attack someone or try to when their cage is being cleaned out? I mean seriously.... somehow a garbage sack was either accidentally left in before I got there, or he'd somehow gotten a hold of it and dragged it in which I heard he will do, and when I went to get it out.... he lunged for my hand, I was like what the crap!? I forgot that you could distract him with treats, I'll remember that next time though >_>

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