Housing 2 females in a 20L Tank



I recently purchased my first Leopard Gecko from a pet store. I have had her for a month or so and she is as healthy as a horse, eating gut loaded meal worms. Her tank has three hides (hot, cool, and humid) it has a under tank heater and a blue light on a timer. She is what seems to be a "normal" gecko.
The question I have is would be ok to put another female gecko in with her as long as they are close to the same size. She is about two months old..I don't have a scale but I imagine she weighs around 15 grams.
I have seen some really beautiful Leopard Geckos on this forum and at some very reasonable prices, and would like to one.
Suggestions??? (I really don't have the space for another 20L tank)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Yes, 2 females can share a 20 gallonL tank as long as they get along. There's always a chance that they won't, so you have to be prepared. In addition, a new gecko needs to be quarantined for at least a month. My suggestion is to set up either a 10 gallon tank or the largest faunarium (which is about 17"x12"x6" or so) for a new gecko, do the quarantine. Then, clean the 20 gallon thoroughly, re-arrange the furniture and introduce both geckos. If it doesn't work out you will have the second enclosure.


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