Housing Females with Male. Ovulation?


New Member
Las Vegas

Hello [: I have 2 leopard geckos, and i was thinking of buying the one standing on the half log hide. Owner says she is a blood hypo 1 year old, 60$ should i buy her?

Thor (the normal male) is Normal, 100% Het T. Albino, -possible Het eclipse and Patty. Hatched 7/24/10. Bought him 2 years ago.

Cupcake (name was my girlfriends idea) is the orange with gray tail. The guy i bought it from had some high end Geckos, he bought her from a website (for breeding) but she was too young so i guess he got tired. He said she was a Giant Tangerine. Does that look right? I bought her about 10 months ago when she was 7 months or so. she is about a year and a half. but she has not ovulated yet :/

I have them housed together, and i plan on buying the other female gecko(orange one on the half log) Will this make breeding easier or harder? right now, thor and cupcake live happily, never aggressive. Im sure they are sexed correctly, and he only tried to mate once when i introduced them in a new tank, but i seperated them again for about 3 months. I put them back together about 2 months ago, and he doesnt try to mate with her anymore. Will housing 2 females with 1 male make it harder for breeding? Should i seperate them? i have 2 other 10 gallon tanks, just in case. Please let me know what you think about my setup also. thank you! All suggestions and help is greatly appreciated! :)
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Tallahassee, Fl
I have a trio housed together and 2 females housed together(who were previously with the male from the trio). I had no problem introducing the male from 1 female pair to the other female pair in my 40gal. From what I have seen females are more aggressive against other females in particular so what you are trying is more difficult. My female pairs were raised together from babies or juvies. I have not been able to successfully introduce an adult female to another adult female. And then if breeding you will have more trouble identifying the mom to the babies unless you keep a very good eye on who is getting ready to lay.

I spent $100 on one of my female pairs(a Tremper Albino and a Super Hypo Tang CT).. I dunno much about a blood morph but its not a bad price, especially at breeding age I suppose.


Wonder Reptiles
Is that the picture of their tank?
Its a bit small for three in my opinion.
Remeber if you buy her, she needs to be seperated from your existing geckos for at least 90 days.

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