Housing Multiple Geckos Together



Hey guys,

I'm new to the whole gecko reptile industry. I was wondering if you could house Chondrodactylus angulifer geckos (big headed gecko), crested geckos, and tokay geckos together? I have a feeling that you can't house them together. If there's a way to house different species of geckos together can anyone please explain it to me? I really would like to buy these geckos at the upcoming reptile expo in San Francisco, but I don't have a lot of space to work with in my reptile room. I'd like to create a vivarium type of enclosure and be able to house different types of geckos in it. I know the living conditions of the tokay gecko and the crested gecko of different so I'd probably have to cancel out that one. But between the big headed gecko and the crested gecko, they share similar living conditions, so do you guys think it would be possible, and okay? Any advice is welcome!! Thanks.

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some people have succeeded mixing species in huge vivaria with multiple microclimates for all. Other people have done it successfully for a number of months, but I suspect their long term success will be like mine with the orchid in my day gecko tank: looking good for awhile, then a long slow slide downhill.

It's much easier not to do it than to do it. My recommendation would be either to explore restructuring your reptile room to accommodate them all in separate enclosures, or to prioritize (I'd love to get a fire skink and a red ackie, but in no way am I going to be able to accommodate more than 1 large tank which already has my beardie in it).


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