Housing Two females


New Member
North Carolina
Ok here's the deal, I put two of my girls together. The first time I tried I just put them in together and all was fine till Phoenix tried to go into Roxie's hide while she was in there. There was a slight bit of ugliness and I separated them. Well, I tried agin this time switching out everything that might have smelled like Roxie. They did fine, no fight at all. Both were a bit skittish of each other but Phoenix warmed up and wanted to check out Roxie. Well Roxie let her no big deal but then about an hour later I find Roxie on top of her cold hide in what looked like a defensive position. I watched them the whole time cause I was worried and nothing happened at all. Phoenix explored the cage and started to settle like it was her own. But Roxie just stayed on top of her hide and wouldn't come down. I separated them because I didn't want to stress them out and this is my first time putting my babies in together. Any thoughts? Should I have left them be or did I do the right thing. Any input or tips would be appreciated. Thanks:main_huh:


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
Hmmm... Are they both the same size and everything? I once put two girls together where one was just a little bit smaller and she was acting very defensively, as if trying to make herself trouble. The other girl could have cared less, but I could tell the little one just wasn't comfortable with her, so I placed her with a girl exactly her size and it's been great.

I think that there probably wasn't anything wrong. I can't say for sure because I can't see it like you can, but it's possible that if you'd left them in there maybe an entire day they'd probably have settled in just fine. Sometimes I'll introduce a girl and one will stay a little cautious for a few hours but by that night or something I'll find all the girls sleeping ontop of each other lol.

It's your call, and you should always go with your gut instinct because no one knows your geckos' personalities better than you do :)


New Member
North Carolina
Thank you so much for answering. The one that was acting what I took as defensively was the larger one. The smaller one was the one that was completely comfortable. I was thinking of trying again but don't want to stress them too much. My gut was to leave them be but I was afraid there would be a nasty fight.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
You know what? You could even try putting them together outside of the tank altogether. I do that sometimes with girls that at some point I want to keep together, so I want them to kind of know each other before then. Just take both of them out and have the crawl over you or on the couch, or where ever you might usually let them out to explore. And test their reaction on a completely neutral setting. You're definately more in control of them with both on your lap than having to jam your arm into a tank.

AND something else you could do it maybe keep both tanks really close, so that they continually see each other through the glass. That's zero danger to both of them, and if one is a little shy it'll give her time to get used to the other one. But if one just looks like she's always going to be shy and uncomfortable then you can't force her :/

Hope that helps! :)

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