How do I get my gecko to change pooping spot?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Wasn't sure where to put this so I hope the general forum is ok.

My gecko has been doing something really annoying for the past week. :main_angry: She has stopped using the back right hand corner of her tank as pooping corner (which is exactly where I wanted her to poop) and is now pooping in two different locations. She is either pooping right in front of her warm hide or right behind it. The warm hide is located on the right hand side as well but is located at the fron of the tank. I wanted her to poop in the back. Plus she sometimes poops right on the hide which REALLY annoys me because then I have to clean it. What can I do? I have already tried moving the poops to the old spot where she should poop but she isn't changing her new habits. What the hell? I have had her for 3 months and she was pooping in the right spot the whole time, now all of a sudden she just switches. Why would she do that?

Any suggestions people on how to get back to the original pooping spot? I hate the fact that she is pooing on the warm hide. I really don't want to have to clean it everyday and I prefer her not pooping at the front of the tank (prefer hiding it in the back).


Est; 1992
London, UK
Through clean out of the tank im talking bleach solution disinfectants, the whole nine yards.
Keep a sample of the geckos poop in a tissue, when you finished cleaning and disinfecting, place the tissue with the poop where you would like the gecko to poo and see how it goes, if not you have just got a stubborn gecko, most geckos are very hygenic.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Another thing you can do is when you clean the cages, reorganize things so that the previous poop corner has a hide or something there and use a smale poop and place it in the desired spot.

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