Main diet is mealworms and crickets. There's no reason to fatten her up. she can consume as much she wants.
:/ Unless you have skinny gecko. Waxworms are great way to gain weight. but dont feed too much. they may get addict to it. so feed wisely.
I dont buy my gecko waxworms. or anything. i only fed mealworms to my gecko often. crickets sometimes.
waxworms are a good treat for fattening leos up but as Grimmy said, too many will get the leo addicted and you won't be able to feed them anything else, I will say just let the gecko eat as much as it wants, it will gain weight at a steady pace as long as its fed right and given the right care.
Superworms work for me. That's all i feed. I have a male and female. Both around 6mon old. When i got them in mid nov they were both around 40g. Now my male is 70g and my female is 60g. Both are 8" +. Maybe there is some giant genes in them. But anyways they are both healthy not fat. You can see there muscles on there legs like on a pitbull. Superworms have a higher fat content than other incects but not like waxworms. They have a very good protine content too. So all in all they are a pretty good staple. And the leos love them. Just my exp.
Good point Falcons, quite a few people prefer supers for their content. Though for all intents and purposes, if the leo's a bit small it may be a good idea to keep it on a smaller prey. How big is the gal (weight/length)?
I feed mine wax worm 1x or 2x a week I feed my leos 3 wax worm each and they love it. Wax worms are like candies so be careful giving them this, full of fats use only as a treats
I found the easiest way is just to keep feeding them mealies lol! If your gecko is particularily thin than waxworms is the way to go!
I have used pinkies, but only 2 of my geckos like them so I don't bother with them.
I have a tremper albino female that was refusing food for quite some time. Tried every day. She started eating again only after she had gotten down to 50 grams. Keep in mind, this is a female that weighed 63 grams only 3 weeks before. I feed her meal worms as the main part of the diet. She has a dish full of meal worms dusted with a vitamin calcium supplement. She also takes 4 large crickets EVERYDAY,...and excitedly at that. Poor thing acts like I don't feed her at all. Lol. She is now 75 grams and eating like a horse. I fill her mealie dish daily.
Anyway, my point is, offer food every chance you get. As for wax worms, I agree. Stay away except for the odd treat (once a week at most). I don't use them at all anymore, personally. Make sure you have a good supplement like calcium plus or reptivite. Obviously keep a dish of pure calcium and include a dusting of calcium with d3.