How do you know???


I have a question, that I've been scared to ask :eek:

But Im going to anyway :p

Im a little confused on the background of some morphs...I feel like I should know this b/c all I've been doing lately is reading and research, but Im still confused so here it goes...

Redstripes, Bandits and Emerines, do they descend from the Tremper or Bell lines, or neither? And if not, where did they come from?

I have Tremper line bold striped Bandits, but are there Bell bandits? I dont think I ever saw one:main_huh: but I was just wondering.

But I see plain red stripes, red stripe trempers and redstripe bells on line, and I am assuming redstripes must be their "own" morph like a Mack snow is?

But who produced the first red stripe? And how do you produce it if you dont first start with a bell, or tremper?

Same with Emerines, where did they descend from? Again I see bell emerines, and tremper emerines, and some just plain emerines???

Im SO confused :eek:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
As far as I know, the terms "redstripe" and "emerine" refer to color (and pattern in the case of the redstripe) and "bandit" refers to the pattern, specifically the head markings (please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken). In that case, these 3 morphs could exist in any albino form and in non-albino form. I recall that the emerine was first developed by Ron Tremper, at least I think so, but that doesn't mean that the emerine has to be a tremper albino. I hope that clears things up a bit.



New Member
Toronto ,Canada
As far as I know, the terms "redstripe" and "emerine" refer to color (and pattern in the case of the redstripe) and "bandit" refers to the pattern, specifically the head markings (please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken). In that case, these 3 morphs could exist in any albino form and in non-albino form. I recall that the emerine was first developed by Ron Tremper, at least I think so, but that doesn't mean that the emerine has to be a tremper albino. I hope that clears things up a bit.


I agree aliza.Tbowl dont be afraid to ask questions.We are ALL learning.Good question


As far as I know, the terms "redstripe" and "emerine" refer to color (and pattern in the case of the redstripe) and "bandit" refers to the pattern, specifically the head markings (please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken). In that case, these 3 morphs could exist in any albino form and in non-albino form. I recall that the emerine was first developed by Ron Tremper, at least I think so, but that doesn't mean that the emerine has to be a tremper albino. I hope that clears things up a bit.


I totally know what each of the morphs are, but I guess what my question is, is when you buy a "redstripe", "emerine", or "bandit" does it have to have come from one of the albino strains, or is it it's own morph, that I can mix with a bell or tremper???

Like for instance... I see JMG is selling plain redstripes, and tremper where does the plain redstripe originate from?

And if I buy a bandit... does it HAVE to be either tremper, or bell, etc. Or can it just be a bandit w/o having to be one or the other:main_huh:

I dont know if Im phrasing my questions right or not, but Im just going to keep on asking until I understand.:eek:


I agree aliza.Tbowl dont be afraid to ask questions.We are ALL learning.Good question

Roger- I thought we agreed that my nickname was T-Bone:p
and Thanks for not making me feel like a complete moron for asking this question;)


Anyone care to share their expertise? :)

Do I need to re-phrase the question?

Im not asking what they look like, just their background? Can it be a plain redstripe, plain bandit, plain emerine, w/o having to be Tremper, Bell, etc?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I thought I answered it before, but maybe I wasn't clear. Unless they are specifically labeled as albinos, bandits, emerines and redstripes are non-albinos (their names refer to pattern and/or color). So a "plain redstripe" is a redstripe that's not albino. A redstripe, emerine or bandit can be non-albino, het for albino or albino. If one is being sold without "albino" or "het for albino" as part of the label, you can assume it's not an albino. By contrast, a "sunglow" or "hybino" is a morph that can only be albino since in both cases, the name means "superhypo tang albino".



New Member
Austin, Texas
Anyone care to share their expertise? :)

Do I need to re-phrase the question?

Im not asking what they look like, just their background? Can it be a plain redstripe, plain bandit, plain emerine, w/o having to be Tremper, Bell, etc?

I think you read it too fast :p

Correct me if I'm wrong but they're saying it can be a plain bandit NO HETS, red stripe NO HETS, ect. I think I got it right :p


I think you read it too fast :p

Correct me if I'm wrong but they're saying it can be a plain bandit NO HETS, red stripe NO HETS, ect. I think I got it right :p

No Im not reading it too fast...I guess Im just dense:p

So a SHCT, Redstripe, Bandit, Emerine, if you buy them as just that particular thing...they dont have to descend from any of the albino lines, they are just their own thing?

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Well that's not entirely true. Every morph has an originator. If we don't remember who started working on the project first or who marketed it first is up to the general public to figure this out. But ALL Bandits come from Ron Tremper's Jungle lines. Emerine is a term coined by Ron Tremper. There really is nothing special about the geckos. People have been creating them out of their Tang projects for years before the term Emerine was coined. Ron just put a name on it and a huge price tag and bam the sheep followed and paid way to much money for a greenish gecko that comes from Tang with Lav lines.

So in closing EVERYTHING has an originator, but if we remember or not who started it is up to us.


Well that's not entirely true. Every morph has an originator. If we don't remember who started working on the project first or who marketed it first is up to the general public to figure this out. But ALL Bandits come from Ron Tremper's Jungle lines. Emerine is a term coined by Ron Tremper. There really is nothing special about the geckos. People have been creating them out of their Tang projects for years before the term Emerine was coined. Ron just put a name on it and a huge price tag and bam the sheep followed and paid way to much money for a greenish gecko that comes from Tang with Lav lines.

So in closing EVERYTHING has an originator, but if we remember or not who started it is up to us.

Soooo...since they probably originated from RT's lines, and there are now Redstripe Bells, Emerine Bells, etc. Does that mean someone crossed the two albino strains at some point....and we are all OK with this???


New Member
Austin, Texas
Here tbone

"Emeralds / Emerines
This green color mutation is referred to as the "Emerald" line. This morph is from a random gene mutation and not the result of a combination or line bred approach. The gene for green acts like the genetics for tangerine. Just as there are many types of tangerine geckos there are already several spectacular variations of the Emerald.
Here's the name breakdown as of July 2007:

Emerine = emerald and tangerine predominate.
Lavender Emerine = emerald, tangerine and lavender on the body
Emerald Rainbow = emerald, tangerine, yellow, lavender and black on the body
Lime Emerald = light green dominates the body

Discovering the gene mutation for green on the body in 2004 gave birth to our "Emerald Line" Project. Taking the original Emeralds, as depicted in my big book in 2005, and mixing in the raptor/eclipse and giant genetics, we have now completed our 3rd generation of selective breedings. To make some of the most gorgeous geckos I have ever produced, I bred my brightest designer tangerines into this new line. Combining these Emerald and Tangerine colors has created an exciting new color morph called, the "EMERINE".

-->The Emerine, is an Emerald designer (non-albino) color morph. Emerine bred to Emerine gives 100% Emerine. I have now produced them in banded, jungle, striped, and reverse striped patterns.<--"

Found this from looking at his site :p :book2:

They were never albinos. Just like tangs aren't albinos. I think I'm getting the hang of it.


Here tbone

"Emeralds / Emerines
This green color mutation is referred to as the "Emerald" line. This morph is from a random gene mutation and not the result of a combination or line bred approach. The gene for green acts like the genetics for tangerine. Just as there are many types of tangerine geckos there are already several spectacular variations of the Emerald.
Here's the name breakdown as of July 2007:

Emerine = emerald and tangerine predominate.
Lavender Emerine = emerald, tangerine and lavender on the body
Emerald Rainbow = emerald, tangerine, yellow, lavender and black on the body
Lime Emerald = light green dominates the body

Discovering the gene mutation for green on the body in 2004 gave birth to our "Emerald Line" Project. Taking the original Emeralds, as depicted in my big book in 2005, and mixing in the raptor/eclipse and giant genetics, we have now completed our 3rd generation of selective breedings. To make some of the most gorgeous geckos I have ever produced, I bred my brightest designer tangerines into this new line. Combining these Emerald and Tangerine colors has created an exciting new color morph called, the "EMERINE".

-->The Emerine, is an Emerald designer (non-albino) color morph. Emerine bred to Emerine gives 100% Emerine. I have now produced them in banded, jungle, striped, and reverse striped patterns.<--"

Found this from looking at his site :p :book2:

They were never albinos. Just like tangs aren't albinos. I think I'm getting the hang of it.

OK...soooo...they are NOT albinos (well I already knew the Bandit wasn't, obviously) but anyway they did originate from Ron T., but that doesnt make them all Trempers? Just like the Enigma originated from Bells lines, but that doesnt make an Enigma a Bell?

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
BUT with that being said Pretty in Pink.....There are Emerine Bells that are out there. Very few but there out there. Also there are Redstripe Trempers, Redstripe Bells, Redstripe Rainwaters. Hell there are Redstripe Snows being produced now. These are all combo morphs taking a strain of albinism and then crossing it into a genetic trait.

Emerine Bell's are pretty hot BTW. Kelli Hammack and Paul Allen have some really nice stuff. I think Paul released 2 visuals and Kelli didn't sell any visuals on her site but i don't know about at shows or privately.

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