how do you.......


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
get these things to hold still and face the camera!

I took my geckos for a photo shoot last weekend, to my friend with a KILLER camera, had a back drop and everything, and for the life of me I could NOT get most of my geckos to hold still/NOT run/jump away from the camera!

The crested's were the worst, they wanted NO part of it, so out of 500 plus pics taken, I can use maybe 20-30.....

Any one have a tricks?

please please share your phot shoot secrets:eek:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
You have to say, "Stay!" right before you snap the pic. (I wish! lol) For Leos, you can put them in a hide then uncover them and snap the pics quickly. For Cresteds, take them during the day. It's kind of a catch 22. If you take pics during the day they're not fired up but if you take them at night they go crazy. I just try to spray them down and have them awake for a second then set them in the light box.

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