how long should they be able to breed


New Member
brooklyn nyc
so i had a succesful breeding , i have a few questions that need to be answered and thanks GF forum people for helping me in the past especially aliza ! well here are the questions how long should i breed my female again if she had just laid her eggs about 3 days ago to be exact?. and how big should the male be my female is at 6x ish grams currently and my other male that i plan to breed her with is 4x ish would that be ok to breed the male to the female at the size?


New Member
brooklyn nyc
also i have another question i have 1 other female that has been gravid for almost 2 months now she hasnt lost any weight shes still eating nothing is wrong with her visually but her eggs are still inside her i give her warm soaks for 15 minutes she goes in her humid hide but doesnt dig i also have 2 humid hides for her to choose from a deli cup and a sandwich container should i be worried for egg binding? what are the symptoms for egg binding?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The one you think is gravid may not be gravid, it could just be fat pads. I have been fooled many times in the past. I assume that when you say "6x ish" you mean 60 grams or so, not 6, right? 40 grams is a bit low on weight for the male, who may still need to be growing and will stop eating while he's thinking about breeding (though if it's an intro and then leave, I guess it's not that big a deal). I can't tell you much about how often to introduce because I leave my males and females together full time, but I would think that one breeding may be good for an average of 3 clutches. I hope that helps, and "you're welcome".


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