How long until



I received a really thin gecko ten days ago that had not been eating well for quite some time as she is rail thin and has no tail fat. I posted pictures of her at that time and some suggestions were to have a fecal checked which I did and no parasites were found.

She is still active and eats Marcia's slurry from a syringe just fine but I wonder how long has it taken others to get a gecko to eat. She went after a tiny mealworm about three days ago but seemed afraid of it when she touched it.

I have left a bowl of mealworms in her home, offered small crickets, tried hand feeding the mealworms, took the bowl of mealworms out and then tried one and she just seems afraid of them.

Is there anyone out there that was feeding slurry for a long time (and how long) before their gecko finally began eating on its own?

Thank you.


Oh forgot to mention that even though she didn't have parasites her stools are almost liquid with some mucus. They aren't formed and never have been.

Also I hate to stop feeding her the slurry but should I to see if she'll eat the mealworms again? She is two years old and only 22 grams so I hate to have her miss a meal.


Well it sounds like you are doing everything right, and it's good you took it in for a vet check.

There could be a number of things going on, did they do the fecal at the vets office? I had to have mine sent off for further testing on one of mine turns out he was ok, but I wanted to be safe.

I don't know what could be causing her poo to be liquid, though.

I would say that the slurry isn't guaranteed to make them eat, only to stimulate their appetite and produce a poo for a fecal. All though it has worked mircales for many geckos!


New Member
New York
Have you tried wax worms?, they are good for getting lizards that wont eat to eat, plus their good for fattening up a skinny lizard.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Sonja, perhaps the gecko has gastritis, or some other bacterial infection that doesn't show up on a routine fecal. As you describe the way the poop looks, it is a strong possibility... ask your vet if it's feasible to prescribe some Baytril, or other broad-spectrum antibiotic.


Thanks Jason I will pick some up and Marcia I will call the vet tomorrow (Monday) to see what he can prescribe. I was thinking along those lines today. It just seems like there should be something to stop the liquid stools. Will let you know if improves.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Be careful not to feed too many wax worms. They are very fattening and are pretty addicting. If she eats them, slowly try to switch to mealworms or something. If she doesn't eat mealworms, try putting some waxworms guts on the mealworms so she can kinda get a taste of it. Once it gets regulated, waxworms should only be a treat maybe once or twice a month. Good luck!

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