How many leos in one cage...gender etc?



OK, i am looking at breeding leos.
i have a male and female right now.

out of the first season of eggs, iw ill attempt to breed only females.
then breed moire males later.

now - here is myq uestions

my cage is 120cm x 50cm x 50cm
how many leos can i put here? can i mix male and females?
say, 2 females and 1 male?

will they just keep trying to breed?
i mean will the male just keep harassing the female to breed ?
or does this only get triggered during the right time of year and a few times a year?

what do i need to know?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If I have done my centimeter to inch conversion properly (48"x20"), you have more than enough room for a male and 2-3 females. As I said in a previous post, I leave my male and females together during the entire season. This will work only if the male leaves the female alone after she signals that she's not interested. It's best to have more than one female with the male so he's not always bothering the same female. In general, my males start trying to mate with the females around Jan. and by July are already getting bored with it. When housed year-round with females they stick to this pattern as well, unless a new female is put with him during the off-season, in which case he may get interested. If you do this, you just have to watch all the geckos to make sure no one is feeling stressed.


Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
All I can say is read, read ,read. And this forum is the best place to start. Just do alot of research before you get started breeding. Don't just jump into breeding without lots of research. I've researching for almost a year now. I have my first clutch but trust me I'm still learning. Good Luck!

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