I have had so many pets in the last 20 years..None that I can remember before then
Here's the big list, it's...Well, you be the judge. Much experience from keeping all of these critters, even if some of them only stayed with us for a short time.
*knuckle crack*...Most of my pets have been exotics of some kind. Here's the great big list, from oldest (when I was 5) to newest (current).
2 brown Gerbils (I don't remember what happened with them...>_> My mom says she gave them away after she caught me twirling them in the air by their tails like I did with my stuffed animals...I WAS 5 OKAY? lol)
1 Female Toy Poodle (Gave to Grandma/Grandpa when they visited/fell in love with the puppy)
1 Female Yorkshire Terrier (Gave to my aunt when we had to move)
2 Goldfish, 3 Neon Tetra, 1 Algae Eater, 1 Red-Finned 'Shark' (Small tank, small end-stand, water and fish all over the floor)
1 Female Miniature Schnauzer (Loved this dog, but she had to be put down for attacking my then 4yr old nephew's face @_@ He wore glasses, and she didn't like them. We had Sasha for ~3 years)
2 male hamsters (Both Syrians, one longhair/colorpoint which we were told was a female...Yeah right.)
3 Budgies (Max, Maisy, Mojo, all three were given to a friend)
2 Toy Poodle Puppies & 2 Yorkshire Terrier Puppies (ALL Females, my mother and sister went a bit overboard. All puppies were given to good homes after a few months, as our house was chaos with the puppies and my younger nephew & niece who was 2 at the time iirc.)
2 Orange Tabby kittens & ANOTHER Yorkshire puppy (Puppy was given to my cousin, kittens went to a neighbor with three small children)
Between 70 and 200 Guppies (DEAR GOD WHY?! So many pregnant females from our original purchase, we had three tanks going. 1 10gal and two 20gals)
2 Green Anoles (Evil little freaks...They moved in to one of the 20gal tanks after our guppies all...Well...You get the idea.)
1 5-Lined Skink (...My sister found this and brought it home, the entire house panicked when it escaped from the 10gal tank I set up for it. Found it and let it loose in a patch of trees/bushes near a local stream. They're native to the area, so it was safe/better thing to do.)
1 Female Tabby Kitten ( Named Serena. A barn cat. We did not know she'd be so wild, but she was the sweetest little cat. Had her for about two years, found a home for her after we got the next critter on the list.)
1 Male Pappillon Puppy (Oh my god this dog. We still have him, longest I've ever owned any animal. Willy will be 10 next year, and he's been nothing but amazing. He was supposed to have been put to sleep THREE DAYS before we got him, just goes to show how uncaring some petshops are. The place we got him was called 'Just Puppies', and they were shut down within two weeks/made to pay for all of our vet bills for poor Willy. We still had Serena when we first got Willy, and she's the main reason he started perking up, she practically carried him around and mothered him from day 1.)
1 Female Yorkshire Terrier Puppy (#5...We were told we couldn't have more than one dog at our apartment, gave her to one of the maintenance guys as a present for his wife, found out two weeks later that the management lied -_-)
1 Female Guinea Pig (We only had this little baby for a week, sadly. She had Ringworm and Mange, and our vet said it would be best to put her to sleep. The rest of the guineas at Pet-co had the same issues...I've always hated Pet-co. Thing is, she liked to cuddle with Willy, and he ended up having to be treated for the same conditions e_e)
1 Female Yorkshire Terrier (This makes...#6 for the Yorkie count? Well, Daisy is almost 9 years old now! She's a permanent fixture in our family, even if Willy hated her at first.)
2 Cockatiels - 1m Grey, 1f Lutino (Corky and Jasmine. Corky was a gift from my brother when he was visiting us, we had him for about two years. Jasmine was more or less a rescue, as a neighbor found her in a cardboard box on her front porch. She was extremely skittish, she'd panic anytime the cage door was opened, but she'd cuddle up to you once she'd calmed down. Corky would fly around the house freely, come when called... And fight with Daisy whenever he could.)
4 Budgies (White, Light Blue, Green, Lutino. All shared the same cage until the poor little Lutino one got beat up, earning him his own cage. 'Tweety' and the other three would have free range of my room for a few hours a day, and they'd always be grouped up/hanging around with Corky and Jasmine...Or they'd surround Willy and climb all over him if he got trapped in my room with them, always with Tweety sitting on his back or his head. All six birds had to be given away, as my father couldn't be around them any longer due to health issues. Jasmine went to a home by herself, while the budgies and Corky went to a neighbor couple who loved birds)
More up to date now...These next ones were all within the last 8 years, since moving into the current house.
1 Brown Bat (AHAHAHAHA! Yes, A bat. After we moved, my family was cleaning off the back porch in the middle of winter, they started hearing a screeching sound from under some bags and panicked. I grabbed some gloves, a warm towel from the dryer, and a small cardboard box/mealworms from my Crestie's food supply when I realized it was a small injured bat. Kept him/her in the box for a few weeks, fed nightly as much as s/he'd eat. Once it could fly, it'd come back every night and attack any moths that were too close to me, even perch on my shirt to eat them or to say hi. It still comes around, old and ragged-looking as it is.)
1 Crested Gecko (Had the perfect set-up, perfect food, perfect lighting and temps...But bought a sick Crestie. Another one-week pet from a Pet-co store v.v Our Pet-smart is SO much better)
5, yes 5, Leopard Geckos (Hiryu, Sanzo, Zen, Rei, Yuki. Normal, Leusistic, Sunglow, High Yellow, Albino. Ranged in ages from 2.5 to 5.5 years old before we lost them all. My family had five thriving geckos, and we were planning to breed Zen&Sanzo for some gorgeous little leos. All five died within 2-3 weeks of each other, due to a bad shipment of foodstuffs. Half of the herps kept as pets in our area, the ones who ate food from this one store? All died. This is why I''d rather breed my own feeder insects. Note - These feeders were not from Pet-smart, but a small, family owned pet supply store.)
4 Female Rats - 2 Cream Hooded, 1 Black, 1 Black-Hooded Dwarf Dumbo (All from Pet-smart, except the oldest one. I loved -3- of these lovely little girls, the first one/oldest one was a retired breeder from Bowman's Pet Supplies/Feed store, and she was nasty as could be. They all were found good homes, no snake-food futures for my girls. Family member had an allergy to them, which is sad...I had one of them trained to follow me around the house and to go to her cage when told, even from upstairs!)
2 Female Ocicat Kittens (Forgot about our newest babies! We've had Noel and Sabie since they were 4-weeks old. They'll both be a year old in mid-late October, and they're staying with us no matter what! Such spoiled girlies..)
Current pet count - The two dogs, two cats, and my niece's two Chinese Dwarf hamsters. Of course, there will be Leos in the house within the next few months, likely starting with just two. My niece wants the little albino baby that our Pet-smart has for sale atm, and I've got my sights set on getting my breeder-quality Enigma-morph male once I have enough money. If I'm lucky, I may even be able to snag a Dreamsicle male. *nod*