How my breeding season is going so far.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I've only bred 8 Leo females so far since I started the season early in Oct. All but one are first year breeders, and the second year breeder just laid her first clutch two weeks ago.

So far this is what I've gotten.

Clutches 21.5 (43 eggs)
Infertiles 8
Live Hatchlings 18
Deaths (after pipping) 3
Eggs in bator 14

Side note: Brownie a SHT het Bell paired with Strongbad produced 7.5 clutches, 5 infertile eggs, 8 hatchlings 6 of which are Bells, and two eggs remaining to hatch. Some of the females are still laying, and one only produced 1 clutch which was infertile and is done already. :(

How is everyone else doing so far?


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I've got 6 eggs cooking and my stripe het bell is ready to lay any day. We started the season Jan start. And the first batch should be hatching soon, so I keep checking the bator and hoping to see a surprise bell something. The last 2 laid I'm not sure if they're fertile, but cooking them anyhow to see how they do for awhile. And my hypo het bell has not bred yet-I just can't get her to ovulate. We got some nice babies last year from her too. So it looks like it may just be our bell project going on this year. Unless she's going to breed later, but I'm due in July and I'm hoping the eggs are all hatched by then, so she has a cut off date sometime coming up:)


sounds like all is going well so far with you guys. hope the good luck keeps up!

As for my breedings wow i never thought by this time in the year i would be off and running like this i have hatched out about 40 babies. in the last 48 hours 8 babies. as for what is in the incubator well lets just say that i had to get 2 more this week because i am running out of room i have close to 250 eggs! (and man that is going to be alot of work when they all hatch out) on an average day latly i have been getting 10 eggs a day. the most in one day was Valentines day i got 32. it is going to be one big year i think. i might have had like 10 if that be bad, so good odds there.

i think it is safe to say that my hobby if a bit extrem at this point. but i love doing it. to see a new baby hatch out. is awsome worth all of the time.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
We started breeding the first week of December. December through February 9 Females have been with males off and on. Only two of the females are giving us eggs, and they're the proven breeders that we have. 5 of the 7 other girls will show eggs, but they'll magically disappear in a week or so. We'll find them with eggs again a few weeks later, but nothing still. These girls are all first timers, so hopefully they'll get the hang of it soon. It's pretty frustrating since the proven breeders are pumping out eggs every 2.5-3 weeks. As of now we have:

12 eggs, 8 of which are fertile. We'll check the newest 4 in a few days. Also, one of the newer eggs was stepped on and dented. We're hoping it will fill out now that it's in the incubator. No hatchlings yet, the first clutch is due soon though.

Also, we have another 10 or so females that will be ready to breed in the coming months. Hopefully with almost 20 females being bred, we'll have some more eggs piling up!


Bells Rule!
Looks like you guys are all doing pretty good. Matt, holy smokes that's a lot of eggs!

I just started my season last week and so far I've been about 50/50 with successful matings. My Mack Snow het Blizzard 50% het Bell mated with a Blizzard and a Mack Snow het Blizzard 50% het Bell. My other male Mack Snow het Blizzard 50% het Bell mated with a Bell, but was turned down by a Blizzard 66% het Bell. I also tried pairing my Mack Pastels het Blizzard 50% het Bell, but the female wasn't receptive. I just got my 'Banana' Blizzard and once she's out of quarantine she'll be paired with one of the above males.

My Bell projects are still a month or two away, but I have my pairings all figured out. It's going to be:

- Mack Snow (BS) Bell x 0.1 Mack Snow het Bell
- Mack Snow (BS) Bell x 0.2 Bell
- Mack Snow (BS) Bell x 0.1 (BS) het Bell
- Mack Snow (BS) Bell x 0.1 Ghost het Bell
- (BS) Bell x 0.2 (BS) Bell
- (BS) Bell x 0.1 (BS) het Bell
- (BS) Bell x Special Mom

I know it's not much compared to most of you, but last season I only had three females breed so this is a big step up for me.

This season I've switched from perlite to Hatchrite for the incubation medium and long fiber sphagnum instead of peat in the lay boxes. I may be upgrading to a bigger incubator for females too. Fun fun fun!
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I started in late Dec.

My first season is going awesome so far, I just got 2 more eggs out of the lay box today (stormy shtct) layed her 3rd clutch this morning.

So I have 5 eggs in the incubator and 1 infertile, I seem so small compared to yall though! lol


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm also small potatoes. This year I'm breeding 4 females who went with their males mid-January. Three have laid and I have 4 eggs in the incubator only 2 of which I'm sure of. The fourth looks as if she'll lay soon. I have 2 sub-adult females which I'll breed in April. I'm anticipating 55-60 hatches. I incubate at 82 so my first clutch isn't due to hatch until the first week in April.



New Member
McDonough, Ga
Ahh things are going great so far I am excited to say, we started at the beginning of January and we currently have 6 females gravid. One has just laid her second clutch, one should lay her second anyday, and the other four should lay their first clutch anyday. We should have atleast one or two more females bred in the near future as well including some Amel AFT's so that should be exciting. I couldn't ask for more since it is my first season, but this is just going to make me more excited for next season to roll around once this one is finished. Hmm, I need more females, lol.


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Weve had 2 clutches from this one female, first one died of dehydration, second one were hopin, been in the incubator for a while.


New Member
New Jersey
I got off to a slow start but this season seems promising. i just got 2 eggs about three days ago from tangerine albino x jungle giant albino pairing. Today i had a successful mating from jungle giant albino x jungle giant albino. Im also going to be working on a RAPTOR project early this summer. Just waiting till they get to their ideal sizes for breeding.


New Member
We have had a nice start this season...
I acctually had put a limit on about 100 hatchlings, but I can see that it will be more ( must start up one more rack for hatchlings)!
Right now we have about 70 eggs incubating...and I have 7 females that haven´t layed the first clutch yet!
So we are expanding this year...


New Member
I have 2 eggs in the incubator and 3 gravid girls. I will be breeding more but some are in quarintine and some need to put on a little more witght. Others are just not receptive yet. I Think I'll do pretty good but I'm going to be way behind all of you guys! lol


New Member
Logan, Iowa
I have in the incubator:
2 fat-tail eggs + more to come
4 leopard eggs + many more to come
A lot of C. mitratus eggs(I didn't bother to count)

Things are going good for me so far this season! Good luck to everyone else!


Morph Freak!
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi Guys,

We have 6 eggs in the incubator, with 10 females going full swing. I have had 6 bad eggs (all first year females first clutches) so far as well. I will also have 4 females ready to go in a few months.

Good Eggs
4 AHR Stripes

I cant wait for the other 4 females they are 3- Blizzards Het Tremper and 1-Mack Super Snow 66% Poss Het Tremper, all will be bred with a Tremper Blazing Blizzard.

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