How often to clean out tank, and how thorough?


New Member
So I've had my gecko for 3 weeks or so now, I clean up her waste whenever she does it(She goes on a paper towel in the corner). I'm wondering how often I should do a full clean out, and how exactly I should go about it?


New Member
New Jersey
So I've had my gecko for 3 weeks or so now, I clean up her waste whenever she does it(She goes on a paper towel in the corner). I'm wondering how often I should do a full clean out, and how exactly I should go about it?

I clean my 10 gallon tank out weekly. I take it to the kitchen sink put some dish soap in it and use the sprayer on the sink to wash it out. I dry it out with paper towels and then take it outside and put it in the sun for awhile. Anything that's in the tank that's washable I wash. Bowls,hides etc.


New Member
I wash the bowls every few days with dish soap. I wash the hides every other week, but I wipe them down daily with unscented baby wipes. I've been changing my brown paper lawn bag substrate every other weekend as well, but I think I may keep it now until the monthly cleaning when I break the whole tank down and wash everything with a 100:1 water:bleach solution. On a side note, I may switch to a 10:1 solution because I think that's what other people use. My husband had thought that 10:1 seemed like it'd be too strong but I told him that that's what I thought I read somewhere.

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