My mack snow is almost 12 months old. How often should I be feeding him? I go between mealworms and dubia. Back and forth. Shouldn't he be getting fed a lot less?
I feed mine daily, however much they want. My adults will snub food about once a week or every couple weeks, but they usually just eat more or less depending on recent feedings. My growing Raven just eats and eats. I honestly don't know where it all goes. Once he's done growing, he may have to actually be put on a strict feeding schedule. As long as your guy isn't over weight, just do whatever works.
I'd usually throw a half-handful of bugs in and just wait til it's all gone. Usually takes about 3 weeks. Just make sure feeders are gut-loaded and well-fed before putting them in though.
I have a very large male who is about 1.5 years old. He is 11 inches and 123 grams in weight. I feed him only on Wednesdays and Sundays. And he usually only eats about 10 mealworms per feeding.
My adult girl eats two to three times a week, and only eats between one and three 1/2" dubia per feeding before she turns her nose at them and saunters off to her hide.