How Often/When to Hold Your Gecko?


New Member
I just bought my first juvenile Leopard Gecko five days ago and I've already begun holding it. I just let him crawl on my hands for a bit and pick him up to move him out of his tank to clean/decorate it. I've been holding him every day because I remember hearing that bearded dragons need to be held often and I assumed that leopard geckos needed some attention too. I love holding it and he seems to be ok with sitting on my hand so far but if it's hurting him I'll stop immediately. Should I stop holding my gecko for a while to help it adjust better, or have I traumatized it and ruined its adorable little life already?
Also what's the best way to pick up a gecko to move it out of its tank?


New Member
I just bought my first juvenile Leopard Gecko five days ago and I've already begun holding it. I just let him crawl on my hands for a bit and pick him up to move him out of his tank to clean/decorate it. I've been holding him every day because I remember hearing that bearded dragons need to be held often and I assumed that leopard geckos needed some attention too. I love holding it and he seems to be ok with sitting on my hand so far but if it's hurting him I'll stop immediately. Should I stop holding my gecko for a while to help it adjust better, or have I traumatized it and ruined its adorable little life already?
Also what's the best way to pick up a gecko to move it out of its tank?

Should wait at least a week for him to become used to his tank. Bearded dragons can be held for hours at a time daily, with no ill effect. Leo's however should be handled a few times a week(4 or so, wouldn't hurt to do a bit more if they do not mind) as they stress much easier and are pretty good at hiding it.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
Has your gecko started eating yet? If your gecko already eats and poops then you should be fine. The general rule is to not handle your gecko for the first 2 weeks, but I never had that kind if patience. Many geckos just stress easily when moving to a new home(which usually results in them not eating for the first week or so). It all depends on the gecko. As far as how to hold him, make sure to scoop him up from underneath and not to pick him up by his side or tail. Cup your hands around him and gently push him up onto your hand. Never grab by the tail because leopard geckos can detach their tail(it's a defense mechanism). Wish the best of luck to your new cold blooded friend! You will be addicted before you know it


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
You haven't ruined his little gecko life, but I would hold off on handling for other than feeding or cleaning for the first 2-4 weeks that you have them. They need to acclimate to their new environment and establish a new eating, pooping, and eye-licking routine (okay, that last one is just one way they are too flippin' cute) before they get to know you.

Leos do tolerate handling very well, but perhaps not quite as well as beardies.
Slow and steady wins their trust. From what I can tell, your setup looks pretty good...and you avatar get props; it's very clever. ;)


New Member
Thank you. My gecko, Artemis, began eating the moment I gave them crickets but hasn't eaten a single mealworm. I'll try to hold off on handling him/her but i feed them in a separate, smaller tank. This is because I don't want to scare Artemis by constantly moving everything out of the tank to feed it and also it'll be easier on me by not having to re-set-up the tank every night. This means I have to pick them up every day to feed them. Should I wait until Artemis is more adjusted to feed them in the seperate tank?


New Member
Thank you. My gecko, Artemis, began eating the moment I gave them crickets but hasn't eaten a single mealworm. I'll try to hold off on handling him/her but i feed them in a separate, smaller tank. This is because I don't want to scare Artemis by constantly moving everything out of the tank to feed it and also it'll be easier on me by not having to re-set-up the tank every night. This means I have to pick them up every day to feed them. Should I wait until Artemis is more adjusted to feed them in the seperate tank?
I would try feeding him in his current tank, it is good exercise if he hunts(which he should). Just make sure to remove any remaining ones after awhile.


New Member
Should I remove everything in the tank when s/he feeds? The crickets tend to hide under the paper towels and water bowl.


New Member
That question would be answered by 100 different people in 100 different ways. Does your gecko appear to enjoy being handled? Then don't worry about it and handle away. If it looks like it wants to go back home, put it back in its home. You're its mommy, and mommy knows best.


New Member
Should I remove everything in the tank when s/he feeds? The crickets tend to hide under the paper towels and water bowl.

Well if you can secure the paper towel so they cannot get under it, it would be ideal. But if you have to take him out to feed it shouldn't be that big of a deal.


New Member
I wouldn't mind the crickets just hanging out in there, I left a meal worm in there for a day or so just in case Artemis would eat it at some point. S/he never did.
The only problem with crickets is that the people at the pet store told me they would bite my poor baby when s/he slept if I let them hang out in there. That, of course would make me want to murder the crickets families.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
At the risk of unpopularity, I must say that I handle ALL of my geckos right out of the egg. My adults get handled several times a week, and babies every time I feed and/or clean their tubs. Now granted, if it stresses the gecko out too much, I will not push it on them... but I always have a gecko (or two) sitting on my shoulder (like right now!)


New Member
A reptile who remains motionless on your hand does not signify he is tame or enjoys it. It's either flight or fright numbness.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
For the mealworms, try leaving them in an escape proof dish in his tank, sometimes they don't like to eat in front of people. And for the crickets, just find a way to secure the substrate and let them hunt!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
My geckos are rarely interested in a cricket but the beardie goes nuts for them. I never feed them in her tank tho, so even when attempting to entice a gecko into eating a cricket, it's in a separate 15qt lidded tub. The thought of crickets roaming freely in my animals' cage bothers me. As far as handling, some geckos take right to it, some don't. If it doesn't seem to be bothering yours, go for it.


New Member
Barrie, ON, Canada
I didn't like crickets roaming the cage when I used them either so I would do a bit of leg trimming so they couldn't escape the dish. I mainly just leave mealworms or silkworms in a dish now its a lot more convenient the geckos just help themselves.


New Member
I try to hold my leo once a day for a few minutes. I'd just place my hand in front of its hide and if it wants to, it'll walk on and wait to get picked up. Sometimes it would just come sniff or have a foot on my hand and then turn around and go back in its hide; then I'd just take my hand out and leave it be :)


New Member
Columbus OH
not every day but more than a few times a week. Fritz likes being out of his tank, likes to roam the sofa and crawl up me, or curl up in my elbow for some warm nap time, or sit on my belly and watch the tv (or so it seems). funny little critters...

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