How old do you think he is?


New Member
Auburn, AL

This my new little guy i got from a pet store. How old do you think he is?
and i Have a couple other questions. I know they are nocternal but ive stayd up late trying to see if he comes out and he doesn't. he just sits in his hide all the time. this normal? Also do i have to teach him to drink from a bowl? i lifted his hide to mist it and i saw him licking the water up from it and then i put him by his water bowl and he drank it for like 5 minutes. is he not getting enough water? and ive only seen him eat one meal worm and that was when i took it out the bowl and let it crawl in front of him. is there a way to make mealworms more active in the bowl? they just lay there and ii dont think he knows they are alive. sorry this was long im just concerned.


New Member
He's a Cutie congrats!
But to answer your questions and from what I have experienced from all my leo's.
Hes new, so he will do ALOT of hiding ..and the fact that he's a baby a (1 month from they looks of it)
so your not going to see him ..much unless you catch him out in the middle of the night when your sleeping.
Leo's hide all the time! and like I said, because he is new ..he probably wont eat for a few days even up to a week,
so don't worry it's normal! he's just stressed out ..coming into a new environment, and don't handle him for at least 2 weeks also ..let him get settled in
.. last answer no you don't need to train him to drink from a water bowl. he'll drink from it himself. =)

I hope you did do a little research on leopard geckos before! It helps! lol
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Gecko Power
It looks like it's very thin, tough to tell the age. The tail should be much thicker as compared to the head. I would keep a close eye on it and if it isn't eating and not gaining weight then he will need a visit to the vet.

Staying in the hide is normal when the are new. It will drink from the bowl when it is thristy The meal worms will not move much. put the bowl near it's hide and it will find them.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Actually, I would guess he's around 1-2 months old. And he doesn't look thin at all for that age. As long as he continues growing and eating there should be no reason to take him to a vet.


New Member
It looks like it's very thin, tough to tell the age. The tail should be much thicker as compared to the head. I would keep a close eye on it and if it isn't eating and not gaining weight then he will need a visit to the vet.

Staying in the hide is normal when the are new. It will drink from the bowl when it is thristy The meal worms will not move much. put the bowl near it's hide and it will find them.

I don't think he looks skinny at all ..It's a baby you can tell ..well from MY looks of it leo's have a big head in general. You got to think too it's a leo going into a unfamiliar place ..he is stressed so he might not eat, please don't freak out the poor guy if his leo doesn't eat! lol


Gecko Power
No one is freaking out just making a point to watch the gecko. They generally don't eat for the first few days to a week. To me it looks thin, but Khrysty is much more experienced than I. I am always cautious when it comes the the health of my animals.


New Member
No one is freaking out just making a point to watch the gecko. They generally don't eat for the first few days to a week. To me it looks thin, but Khrysty is much more experienced than I. I am always cautious when it comes the the health of my animals.

LOL It was a figure of speech meaning ..don't scare the poor guy I don't want him to think if his leo doesn't eat to take him to the vet because..something is wrong..noticed how I said "lol" after


New Member
Dansville, NY
Its a young gecko 4-8 weeks old would be my guess. He doesnt look to skinny by any means. What kind of heat source are you using? You cant teach them to drink out of a water bowl. Some leopard geckos will drink out of a water dish others will not.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I wanted to add that my leo who is 7 mos old also doesn't like eating from the bowl because of the lack of movement. As a matter of fact I can drop a mealie right in front of him and if it doesn't move he's mroe likely to walk over it (like he did 3 times tonight) rather than eat it. Some just can't zero in on them with out the movement. Super worms move a LOT... they scare me to the point that I pinch their heads a bit to take some of the fight outta them, and they STILL move with half a crushed head... He may just be the type that prefers the challenge of the hunt. I think he looks ok weight wise for his age and I think the 4-8 weeks range is right on the money. What did the pet shop tell you as far as his hatch date. They should have that on their shipping order invoice.
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New Member
Sheffield, UK
yup its been mentioned, but he's one to two months old.
He looks an okay weight.
he'll get plenty of water if there's a wter bowl.
and he wont eat for a bit as he is still stlling in, once he is settled he will be more active and eat more.
Also they come out when your asleep, because when your asleep its dark, no one is around, there's no noise, it seems the safest time. Thats why you probably wont see
him if you stay up.
But dont think youve got a boring pet that youll never see haha, he will become more active when he's bigger.


New Member
Auburn, AL
Thanks alot guys for the Advice! let him be for about a week and see if things change. But how about how often should he be drinking when he starts to settle in


New Member
Sheffield, UK
he'll probaby drink everyday. but you dont have to worry about his drinking routine, as long as you have supplied the water.


New Member
Dansville, NY
Keep his moist hide sprayed down with water, he will drink from that. Not all leopard geckos will drink from a water dish even if you have it in their cage full of water all the time. Just keep the moist hide sprayed down and he/she will get plenty of water.


New Member
Thanks alot guys for the Advice! let him be for about a week and see if things change. But how about how often should he be drinking when he starts to settle in

To be honest, I wouldn't worry about this. There's not really a way you're going to know unless you film the leo 24/7. It'll drink as much as it needs; just make sure the water is fresh, accessible, and not too deep that it could drown in.

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