Based off my personal experience of reptile handling and care for over 15 years. Yes they do recognize there handlers. I have no set routine on feeding at X hour but they do know when its time for food very clearly noticeable with my bearded dragons. Some do thrive on attention and some prefer to be left alone. They all clearly have there own unique personality. You really start to notice personality's once you have a dozen or more.
Some people with differ with what I have to say, you be the judge of that by observation. Its pretty clear to me.
I completely agree with what you said; eventhough I don't have 15 years of experience. Gecko personality and behaviour might be very subtle, you need to spend a lot of time watching them and interacting with them to notice it; or for them to develope it. I think it has to do with how the animal is kept, and the amount of time the owner spent with the animal.
Edit: I just finished reading the whole thread. I understand what Seamus is saying; but I still stand by what I observed with my geckos. I have my favourites, but I don't want to be biased so I tried my best to treat them all equally; meaning they all have the same size glass tank with the same furniture layout, facing the same direction. Of the 6 adult males that I have (their tanks are lined up the same wall), 2 are extremely social, they will come out from where ever they are, as soon as I set foot in the gecko room, and climb glass until you pick them up - not for food or warmth too, just wanted to be picked up. And 2 that will walk back to hide under their wood when they see me, these 2 don't even want to come out to eat in front of me. The others are somewhat in between, but I can still tell their subtle behaviour differences. Imagine the tanks are numbered 1-6 from the window, the 2 social ones live in #2 and #6, the shy ones in #3 and #5. My favourite gecko that I try to pick him up whenever I see him is in #4.
**But these are just my own observation with my geckos. The females do behave slightly different to the males, and the 2 babies that I have act different between themselves too.
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