How to know the female is laying eggs



I live in Malaysia,a typical tropical country.Here, the climate is a major advantage,i dont need to worried about the temperature and humidity requirements of my leopard gecko, but bad news is reptile are not widely acceptable as pets in asia, so is the leopard gecko are not easy to be obtain compare to the other countries like US.Nevertheless, about a week ago i finally get my 1st leopard gecko through a local breeder.For now Im interested in breeding my leopard gecko.Although i have only one male, i still wonder i can get another female in the next coming few months when i was earn enough money(i am still a student,i work as part-time in restaurants,leopard gecko are not consider low price in malaysia, even a high yellow can cost around 150-200,which in USD 50-70$).so when every thing is settled(when i have both adults male and female, with proper calcium/vitamins supplements, a egg-laying box)then how do i know the gecko is laying eggs?how often do i need to check the egg-laying box?
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
You can see the eggs in most geckos as they get bigger (do some googling and you'll probably see some pictures). Many geckos stop eating and get restless when they're going to lay. Often you will know the gecko has laid eggs because you will find her still in the lay box standing over her eggs. Another way to be sure if she's laid (and once you see that she has eggs inside her, you should be watching her very carefully and checking the lay box often) is to have weighed her before she lays and then to weigh her after you think she's laid. There is often a 10gram difference. I use this method when I have multiple females in the cage and am not sure who laid. During breeding season it's part of my regular routine to pick up each lay box every morning and look up through the bottom to see if there are eggs there.


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