How to tell if a baby leo is a boy or girl?


New Member
I saw somewhere that if you take a flashlight and shine it near its vent, and see veins, that means it's a boy because those veins are going to the hemipenes(spelling?). Can anyone tell me if this is true? I am very interested in breeding these cool fellas and don't want to keep buying and buying to get a male and a female. I was looking at places and it seems big apple herp has the cheapest. I'm looking at a normal, albino, snow, and a hypo high yellow. anyone know where i can buy temp. sexed of those for decent prices? On big apple herp they're between 19-27$


Ridgewood, NJ
If you want to breed I would not go with the cheapest geckos you can find (don't forget you also have to pay for overnight shipping). Breeding them is super easy. Breeding high quality babies and finding homes for them is the challenge. You also should know the genetic background of your gecko to know if there are any hidden recessive traits or "hets." If you do not know this information very few people will be willing to purchase your animals.

Most good breeders will be able to tell you with reasonable or absolute certainty if the gecko is male or female based on the temperature it was incubated at. Those with a slight degree of uncertainty will be labeled as TSF or TSM for "temperature sexed female or male." This means the breeder cannot 100% guarantee the gecko will be that sex but the chance is pretty good.


New Member
If you want to breed I would not go with the cheapest geckos you can find (don't forget you also have to pay for overnight shipping). Breeding them is super easy. Breeding high quality babies and finding homes for them is the challenge. You also should know the genetic background of your gecko to know if there are any hidden recessive traits or "hets." If you do not know this information very few people will be willing to purchase your animals.

Most good breeders will be able to tell you with reasonable or absolute certainty if the gecko is male or female based on the temperature it was incubated at. Those with a slight degree of uncertainty will be labeled as TSF or TSM for "temperature sexed female or male." This means the breeder cannot 100% guarantee the gecko will be that sex but the chance is pretty good.

The reason I like those breeds are they are cheap, and good looking. There's too much money in it to forget about overnight shipping. LOL, I'm not going to have 30 parents and start a breeding company. Just get a little knowledge through it, ya know?

Embrace Calamity

New Member
The reason I like those breeds are they are cheap, and good looking. There's too much money in it to forget about overnight shipping. LOL, I'm not going to have 30 parents and start a breeding company. Just get a little knowledge through it, ya know?
I hate to break it to you, but the fact that they're cheap and widely available is the problem. You buy some pet store leos and breed those, you're gonna have quite a time getting rid of the minimum 10-20 babies you get every season. Once you consider that you'll have to pay to house, heat, feed, and supplement the parents (plus just pay to buy and ship them), plus incubate, house, feed, and supplement the babies, you're only going to lose money. There is a lot of money to be made when dealing with high-end morphs - not pet store morphs. The leo market in the US is so completely oversaturated.



New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
You can get knowledge without actually breeding them. Do some reading. I agree leopard geckos are very cool and it is tempting to want to breed these awesome animals. I don't mean this in a mean way, but you can google how to sex a male and female and they will show pictures. It sounds like yours is too young to sex right now, because it is VERY obvious when you have a male once they are older. Also.. Big Apple Herps are pet quality geckos, NOT breeding quality geckos. You have to think about vet bills, care, etc. with those leos.


Wonder Reptiles
Breeding them is so expensive.
If money is an issue I would recommend you just get a few as pets and not worry about gender :)


New Member
Consider breeding them only if you are certain that from now on, for a long period of time you will have the time and dedication to look and care after them.

Think that you will have a lot of babies to care for, and you can't just one say "i'm bored and i'm done with this".

You should really think this through before making this big step.

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