How to tell?


New Member
North Carolina
I was wondering how to tell what my hatchlings are. I now have 6 and I am unsure what morph they are. Is there a website that can tell me what to look for. They have different mothers but I am pretty sure they all have the same father because all but 2 have white circles on their backs in the same exact place. There moms are sunglow tremper, patternless albino, and mack snow albino and there dad is a mack snow het bell. Any info would be great. I did not personally breed these babies I recieved their mothers already gravid. I don't have a connection for my camera so i can't post pics.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
What your babies are depend on 3 things:
--what the parents are
--how the babies looked when they were born
--what the babies look like as they grow

The first questions to address are:

did any of the babies look like Mack snows when they were born (were they black and white striped as opposed to black and yellow striped?)

did any of them look like super snows when they were born (silver or charcoal colored which later resolves into black and white stripes)?

did any of the babies look albino when they were born (yellow and gray stripes; gray/pink and white stripes if they are snow albino)?

Unfortunately, since there is a mixture of tremper and bell albino, the genetics are going to be muddy. You will probably hear a bunch about this from other people (and some of them may not be too nice about it) but we should all realize that you didn't set up the pairings, as you said, the mothers were gravid when you got them.

Start with those questions and we'll take it from there.



New Member
North Carolina
Thank you for the quick response. Ok first question, yes a few hatched black and white striped. And one of them has now faded into silver and black stripes. The others were born with black and yellow bands and now has little dots on the inside of the bands. I have one that was born last night and is yellow and almost a red color. This one does not have bands but is kinda abstract. But the does the white circle mean anything or is it just a genetic fluke. It is between the shoulders on each one.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Thank you for the quick response. Ok first question, yes a few hatched black and white striped. And one of them has now faded into silver and black stripes. The others were born with black and yellow bands and now has little dots on the inside of the bands. I have one that was born last night and is yellow and almost a red color. This one does not have bands but is kinda abstract. But the does the white circle mean anything or is it just a genetic fluke. It is between the shoulders on each one.

can u post pics pls

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