How wrong am I?


New Member
North Carolina
Ok so i have kept all my geckos moist hides on the warm side all the time. They each have a warm moist hide and a dry cool hide. I just recently had a member tell me that it could cause respitory infections if the warm hide is moist and that it should be on the cool side. I have mulled it over and need some more advice.

All my girls spend most of their time in their warm moist hides. I have been doing this for a total of 6 months. They are all good eaters and have never had a shed problem. My common sense mind say warm moist air is better than cool moist air, but sometimes common sense is not ok for reptiles. I would love input because I don't want to harm my babies. I am still a fretful gecko mommy after 6 months. I wonder how long this will last. LOL.:D


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Personally I don't think it matters. I do prefer putting the hides on the warm side but I put them where I can fit them. I know there's concern about respiratory infections, but a more interesting question is where do these geckos in the wild spend their time? I know they come from a dry climate but I wonder if they may spend some of their time in more humid micro climates as they hide out in crevices. I also keep SW banded geckos (coleonyx) and at one point, the cage, because of its location was extremely humid. The geckos really thrived. I had been discussing on another forum the possibility that these geckos did spend a lot of their time in humid micro climates.

The only gecko I have ever had with a respiratory infection was in a low humidity environment. He recovered with a round of antibiotics and has been fine ever since.



New Member
NE Ohio
I think it is personal preference whether you want the moist hide warm or cool. If you are worried about respiratory infections you can make the hide moist only when you see one of the animals looks like it is going to shed soon.


i agree with the personal pref. i have put them on either side and havnt noticed anything wrong with my geckos

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