


Hey just got my first Viv and leopard gecko this past weekend.

Hes 6 months old male called Jezza

Lives in a 48x12x12 viv and is being heated by a 100w heat lamp recording about 30C at the hot end and 24C at the cold end

My first question is what type of Leo is he? have no idea on species.

He is eating crickets nicely dusted with nurtobal, about 4-7 a day. although not too keen on mealworms.

he has crushed oyster shell as a substrate and 2 hides plus a 'sauna'.

Im trying to introduce him to behandled by letting him walk through my fingers although he dosnt seem to like it at the mo. but i guess that comes with time

all comments plese welcome


Jordan & Jezza


Est; 1992
London, UK
Allright fella, Nice leo, I would say a high yellow, nice gecko.
As for the heating bulbs very well and good but I would suggest a heat mat. If only for backup.
Yeah your right he will get used to you in time.
Good luck with him, Just be careful of that substrate when feeding. :)


New Member
welcome to the forums! everything seems well except the substrate. i would move to something not so loose like paper towel, repticarpet or slate or tile. i am not familiar with that supplementation, so i can not comment on that


Welcome Wagon

Hey just got my first Viv and leopard gecko this past weekend.

Hes 6 months old male called Jezza

Lives in a 48x12x12 viv and is being heated by a 100w heat lamp recording about 30C at the hot end and 24C at the cold end

My first question is what type of Leo is he? have no idea on species.

He is eating crickets nicely dusted with nurtobal, about 4-7 a day. although not too keen on mealworms.

he has crushed oyster shell as a substrate and 2 hides plus a 'sauna'.

Im trying to introduce him to behandled by letting him walk through my fingers although he dosnt seem to like it at the mo. but i guess that comes with time

all comments plese welcome


Jordan & Jezza

Hi Jordan & Jezza.
Welcome to a great forum.
Lots of knowledge here.
Great accommodations for Jezza.
(appears to be a high yellow)
Get some Under the Tank heat for his belly.
Helps processing food. (nearly a must)
With a 12" high tank, watch that over head light doesn't get it too hot for him.
Newer gas bulbs at 13 -- 15 watt best for viewing.
Oyster shell is composed mostly of calcium carbonate
so it may do fine......Although it may be a chance for
impaction if it gobbles it instead of licking it.
Probably would suggest including calcium powder
with vit./min. substitutes in a bowl 24/7.
To be on the safe side tile, slate, carpet, or paper replacement for the oyster shell
would be suggested.
Gecko to Human:
"Why Can't We Be Friends?" Link....
Sing it if you know the words.

Take care. HJ

The oyster creates its own environment by
secreting a shell composed or ninety-five
percent (95%) of calcium carbonate.
The remainder of the shell is made up of
organic material and trace amounts of
manganese, iron, aluminum, sulfate and


Welcome Wagon

Hey just got my first Viv and leopard gecko this past weekend.

Hes 6 months old male called Jezza

Lives in a 48x12x12 viv and is being heated by a 100w heat lamp recording about 30C at the hot end and 24C at the cold end

My first question is what type of Leo is he? have no idea on species.

He is eating crickets nicely dusted with nurtobal, about 4-7 a day. although not too keen on mealworms.

he has crushed oyster shell as a substrate and 2 hides plus a 'sauna'.

Im trying to introduce him to behandled by letting him walk through my fingers although he dosnt seem to like it at the mo. but i guess that comes with time

all comments plese welcome


Jordan & Jezza

Hi Jordan & Jezza.
Welcome to a great forum.
Lots of knowledge here.
Great accommodations for Jezza.
(appears to be a high yellow)
Get some Under the Tank heat for his belly.
Helps processing food. (nearly a must)
With a 12" high tank, watch that over head light doesn't get it too hot for him.
Newer gas bulbs at 13 -- 15 watt best for viewing.
Oyster shell is composed mostly of calcium carbonate
so it may do fine......Although it may be a chance for
impaction if it gobbles it instead of licking it.
Probably would suggest including calcium power
with vit./min. substitutes in a bowl 24/7.
To be on the safe side tile, slate, carpet, or paper replacement for the oyster shell
would be suggested.
Gecko to Human:
"Why Can't We Be Friends?" Link....
Sing it if you know the words.

Take care. HJ

The oyster creates its own environment by
secreting a shell composed or ninety-five
percent (95%) of calcium carbonate.
The remainder of the shell is made up of
organic material and trace amounts of
manganese, iron, aluminum, sulfate and


Thanks all for the kind welcome and info, think ill look into another substrate and under floor heating :)


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Welcome to GF!
I agree with everyone on changing the substrate to something that wont potentially cause impaction. And the UTH (Under Tank Heater) is a must. (The belly heat helps process the food in the gecko).
Overhead heating/lighting isnt really necessary except for viewing and maybe raising ambient temps.

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