Humidity In Cage


New Member
Im going to get a leopard gecko soon so i bought all the stuff needed to setup his/her terrarium and also to get the heating and all that stuff down before i get my leo.
Im currently using brown repti carpet in a 10 gallon tank, all glass with a metal vented screen on top. also using a UTH heater with a day and red night light. temp is set to 88-90 on the hot side and about 80-85 on the cool. but the humidity is staying constant at 50%. i know it should be around 10-40%.

is 50% ok? i know it should go down in the summer, less moisture and more heat. and if i want to lower it could i use a mini fan on top to keep air moving?


and also how much do you feed your baby leos?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't worry about humidity which ranges greatly here in the cold and hot northeast. Everyone seems to be healthy. I find humidity much higher in the summer because the winter heater tends to dry things out. I dump a bunch of mealworms into my baby geckos' bowls and they eat however much they want. I'm estimating if you're feeding crickets, about 4 crickets per night for babies.



New Member
ok thank you.
we dont really use a heater in the winter time and when we do the heat doesnt reach my room to get to my cage. i just want the best environment possibly when i get my leopard gecko.
could i use a mini tiny fan to lower the humidity by chance?
and yea i plan on using both mealworms and crickets. do you feed babys and juvinelles everyday? or every other? i looked it up but cant find a accurate answer.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I feed the really young babies every day. At the moment, since I don't have any really young babies right now, I'm feeding all the geckos (adults included) the first day, no one the second day and the juvies the third day, so the adults are eating every 3rd day (they'll get fed every other day once they start breeding and the appetite goes up) and the juvies are getting fed 2 out of 3 days.
You could get a fan for the humidity, but I don't think you really need it; they should be fine.


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