hypo or normal?


New Member
goffstown NH
Hey guys is this gecko a hypo het tremper or a normal het tremper (with my pairing you well only get those two morphs)?

Sorry its so hard to tell with these pics :( , Jake



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Sometimes you can tell you're going to get a hypo because the dark bands are brownish instead of black. Otherwise, there's really no way to tell at this age. You just have to watch how it develops as it gets older.


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Deformed eyes, inability to shed, inability to eat unassisted, general failure to thrive, how many reasons do you need to put the poor thing out of it's misery? If you want to be a successful breeder you must breed and sell QUALITY animals, do you really want to try to build a reputation with animals like this?


JK Herp
I agree with Tony. Know one will ever buy from you if you don't do your responsibility as a breeder and cull. If you don't cull this one you will get a bad rep and it will continue to get worse...


New Member
Miami, FL
I also thought it was a hathling. The eyes look sunkin in or deformed, but it could just be the picture. It looks really thin too. Sorry man :(


New Member
St. Louis
I'm not trying to be offensive, and if I am too harsh I apologize in advance. But you are very young and and by the picture you may not have the best reptile keeping practices. You may want to hold off on the breeding and work on keeping the reptiles you have now healthy. That poor gecko is in very sad shape and should have been culled a while ago. It is suffering and you do not see that. You need to be able to know and be able to cull to be a breeder. It is never fun and everyone wished they would never have to, but it will have to be done sooner or later being a breeder. The only gecko you have for sale on your website is a hatchling with MBD! A gecko that young with a disease that serious should also be culled. I'm just saying you may want to hold of on any future breeding until you are older and can fully understand the responsibilities you are taking on.

I was around your age when I started keeping reptiles, and I made mistakes and learned from them. I worked with reptiles over a decade before I started any type of breeding projects. It is a huge responsibility to bring new life into this world and all breeders and future breeders need to understand that!

Sorry for any hurt feeling.

Keith N

New Member
Lottsburg, VA.
I'm not trying to be offensive, and if I am too harsh I apologize in advance. But you are very young and and by the picture you may not have the best reptile keeping practices. You may want to hold off on the breeding and work on keeping the reptiles you have now healthy. That poor gecko is in very sad shape and should have been culled a while ago. It is suffering and you do not see that. You need to be able to know and be able to cull to be a breeder. It is never fun and everyone wished they would never have to, but it will have to be done sooner or later being a breeder. The only gecko you have for sale on your website is a hatchling with MBD! A gecko that young with a disease that serious should also be culled. I'm just saying you may want to hold of on any future breeding until you are older and can fully understand the responsibilities you are taking on.

I was around your age when I started keeping reptiles, and I made mistakes and learned from them. I worked with reptiles over a decade before I started any type of breeding projects. It is a huge responsibility to bring new life into this world and all breeders and future breeders need to understand that!

Sorry for any hurt feeling.

I agree 100% I think this is why so many people are getting frustrated as they see people breeding and most do no research heck some don't even get an incubator until after the egg has been laid. I think the market has become flooded with people that want to breed but do not put full force into researching and proper set ups. I don't know maybe it's just me

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