I am trying to see who would be interested in participating


New Member
Clearwater, FL
Tosha (Desdemona) and I are going to be overseeing the Secret Santa this year but wanted to see who would be interested in participating before we spent a lot of time planning it. The way we were thinking of is there would be groups depending on price and you would be paired up with someone else who wants to spend the same amount. It would be in increments of $25 going up to $200. When you sign up you would tell us your preferneces on whether you would like a gecko or supplies. We can't guarantee that you will get a gecko but it is just so we can tell your secret santa what you would like. We will be posting more about it once we figure out if there is an interest. Please PM me or Desdemona (Tosha) if your interested.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
This is my add so this "favs" on my phone app. Also, feel free to e-mail me as well so not one of us is getting all of the e-mails. Hopefully this year will be as fun for everyone as the past years have been!

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New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I would think that for the sake of planning , it would be best on both ends to pair up folks in the same country. No dealing with out of country shipping regulations, customs, etc. Plus, a lot of US residents only ship within the US. It's very likely that there would be at least 2 from a country like Canada or the UK.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Count me out. After YEARS of participating in the Secret Santa and spending tremendous amounts of money to fulfill my end of the bargain, I have only received ONE gift in return. I understand that the Holidays are about giving and not receiving, but apparently the individuals that got my name didn't feel the same way. Sorry.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
Count me out. After YEARS of participating in the Secret Santa and spending tremendous amounts of money to fulfill my end of the bargain, I have only received ONE gift in return. I understand that the Holidays are about giving and not receiving, but apparently the individuals that got my name didn't feel the same way. Sorry.


Can Canadians participate?

If enough Canadians want to participate we will match Canadians together for the sake of logistics in sending. The same with members from the UK. If there aren't enough that want to participate you can still participate in this one but it would have to be non living since most here I don't think have import/export rights. Also when picking the category of what you want to spend it will be in US dollars. I hope I cleared that up if not you cam PM me and I can try to explain it better lol


New Member
Bay Area, CA
That really sucks Golden Gate :( If you don't mind me asking (and you can PM me off line if you prefer) was anything specific done against those players? I suppose all that can be done is a board band.

No one has to play of course and hopefully we don't get a bunch of losers like that this year!

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Ghoulish Geckos
I kind of feel like Marcia. I was in the high price gift group and never received anything back. I gave two geckos plus paid shipping. I like giving gifts, but it sucks that so many people take advantage of it.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
We could make a rule that all first year givers have to stay in the lower price range and only those who have proven themselves honest can join the higher range. Of course second plus year participants can still be in the lower range, but at least it will minimize large losses. Though I don't know if that would make those in the lower ranges feel less comfortable about the gifting. We will have a minimum board time of course and any cheaters will be out. We will have their names and addresses so we can prevent them joining in the future by just choosing new screen names (or at least make it more difficult). Members who have been around for over a year will have a little more of an emotional connection to the board as well, which should help a little as far as being banned.

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Seminole, FL
How would you define known members?

I haven't been around long, but have met a few forumers at shows, as well as people like sunshinegeckos for instance has been to my house while I was in florida, and I have been to lzrdgrl house up here (with lots more visits planned :D)

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