Why on Earth would you respond to an ad on craigslist, inquiring about an animal (or ANYTHING for that matter) say you are interested in the item, then say never mind I can't afford it when the PRICE IS LISTED IN THE AD!!!
I just don't get people, really how stupid are you? You are wasting my time with your nonsense. And sometimes people don't even take the time to write back and say no thank you. I was nice enough to chat with you and answer all your questions, so why can't you take 30 seconds to say I appreciate your help but I think we are going in another direction. Is it really that hard??
I just don't get people, really how stupid are you? You are wasting my time with your nonsense. And sometimes people don't even take the time to write back and say no thank you. I was nice enough to chat with you and answer all your questions, so why can't you take 30 seconds to say I appreciate your help but I think we are going in another direction. Is it really that hard??