I dont know what to do :(


New Member
Last night was HORRIBLE - i've had my leos in their new rack system for over two weeks and no problems...

last night i saw something on the floor (didn't know what it was) and my cats surrounding it!!!! Sure enough it was my favorite leo, Bella. :'(

I ran over to her and on ce I picked her up a single drop of blood was coming from her eye! I carefully wiped it away and then pu t her in her own tank so I can see wat the heck is going on!

Turns out my cat swat her one time and landed the paw on her eye!!!!

Anybody know what I should do?! I have an appointment for the reptile vet, but in the meantime what should i do?! Has this ever happened to you before?!?! I'm freaking out - I've never had a sick leo or anything like this happen to me before :'( Should I put saline on her eye?!?!?!?!


New Member
I'm not going nto be able to take her to the vet til Thursday morning (its tuesday) beecuz the reptile vet closes early and I work til 7!!! The scratch is ON her eye ball. The bleeding has stopped, no blood in the enclosure. The vet said if it was under the eye she would beok, but becuz its on her eye ball she needs to come in! Soo plz someone help!! what can i do for the next two days?!?! shes in a tank with really nothing othe rthan one hide, one moist hide and water. I'VE NEVER HAD ANYTHING LIKE THIS HAPPEN! PLZ HELP!


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, if the scratch truly is on the eyeball, you really shouldn't do anything. Don't touch it or wipe it at all, and wait for the vet appt. The eye medication will depend on the outcome of the eye exam. Most importantly though, you need to find out where or how this little one escaped, and how you can prevent it in the future.


New Member
I know where she escaped - shes the smallest one and theres this tiny tiny tiny gap in between the two sliding screens -- I thought it was only small enough to fit a small cricket not a small leo!!! I fixed that problem.. I'm going to exam her tonight I jus wanted to get her into an enclosure warm her up and jus let her relax, she was really scared from the cats! (as she should be lol) wen I get off work I'm going to see if it IS infact the eye ball or the eye lid... My roomate said it was the actually eye ball but wen I was sneaking a peek at her today i couldn't see anything different on her eye ball jus her eye lid looked swollen a lil bit.

Thanks for your reply! Really appreciate it!!!


New Member
jus a quick up date - took Bella to the vet and we lucked out!! The scratch is above the eye! the reason I couldn't see is becuz a drop of blood was jus sitting on the eye ball which made it look like it was the actual eye - she has some lil ointment to go on the cut to make sure it doesn't get infected and she will make a full recovery in a week! YAY!

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