The difference between a SS Tremper Albino and a SS RAPTOR is that a SS RAPTOR is a SS Tremper Eclipse. It can be impossible to tell sometimes the difference between the two visually, but a Super RAPTOR has more going for it genetically so more possibilities for offspring. Also, there are some Super RAPTORs that are exceptional and have no visible pattern.
I know of a few people that have hatched both and put them next to each other and it was truly impossible to tell the difference. So I say test breed. The only best and sure way to find out.
The is beautiful! :main_thumbsup: The stripe is gorgeous. Why would you want it to vanish? Get a Diablo Blanco if you want a white patternless gecko This one is perfect the way she is :main_laugh: :main_yes:
The is beautiful! :main_thumbsup: The stripe is gorgeous. Why would you want it to vanish? Get a Diablo Blanco if you want a white patternless gecko This one is perfect the way she is :main_laugh: :main_yes: