I have a Q about aquiring a leopard


New Member
Minneapolis, MN
Hi there
My question is regarding the opinion about having 1 leo vs having 2 leo's. Is there any benefit having two over one, or vice-versa? Is it better to have company rather than living solo? Is the temperament, or their social aspect any different? Any insight would be great!

Thanks for reading and thanks for your time.



New Member
I haven't had my leopard gecko long, but I did some research before I got him and pretty much every source I read said they are solitary animals. I know you should never ever house males together, they will kill each other. Females are okay together, and a male and female or male and several females are okay, though I wouldn't suggest putting males and females together at all unless you want to breed them. Any leos housed together should also be similar in size. You still have to watch them to make sure they don't harrass each other regardless of gender. Mostly leos will just "tolerate" each other, but they don't really enjoy each other's company.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Their temperaments definitely support them living solo. However, there are many leopard geckos that get along well in small groups in an appropriate sized space. There are keepers who swear by small groups and those who feel strongly that solo is the only way to house them safely. Many people do find that once they get one, they want another.

Bottom line, if you're deciding between getting 1 or 2 and your main consideration is what's best for the animal, get 1. If you think you may want a second at some point, get a female now but be prepared that if this one and a future second one don't get along, they'll have to be housed separately.



New Member
Minneapolis, MN
Thank you for the quick responses.
So if I start with one, are the temperaments different between the males and females. Is one sex more aggressive than the other?



New Member
I have heard of some people who have kept 2 males together if there is NO female. And I think that even means like in the whole house...cause if you have 2 males and hold a female..there is a chance that the males will smell the female on you and get nasty with eachother...I know my clyde does a LOT of tongue flicking if I hold him after Ive been holding my Bonnie. So its always a gamble when housing 2 males..honestly no way I'd try it...would make me too nervous.

And as for females its easier but the potential for injury AND bullying is still there. Many times one females will become the dominent female of the viv and will get more of the food, and good hides. So I think females is safer then males but either way you have potential for issues....and man when they have issues they can do serious damage to eachother!! I ended up seperating mine, mainly due to clyde turning out to be male..but after seeing the pics posted by others on here I don't ever want to end up having a gecko injury :(


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Mature males together will kill each other regardless if there is a female or not. They are a territorial species. Another males invading the males space will cause the first male to attack and you will end up with a severly injured of not dead leo.

Females on the other hand are different. Some don't mind a tank mate, others want to be left alone. Personally, none of my females are ok together. I house everyone seperatly. Less stress on the animal and give you a piece of mind that no one will get hurt while you are not there.
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