African dwarf frog. What do i do? what do i feed it? where do i put it? what temp is right? im sure its bassically the same as an african clawed frog.
any ideas?
cool. thanks.
ive had a male african dwarf frog since i was 16. he recently passed a few days ago. hes been housed with my sister's female for a while, the eggs usually dont hatch. i found a few wriggly tadpoles today while feeding the female. it would be nice to have my male's, sedrik, legacy live on.
They take alot of work to raise them successfully. They can eat powdered eggs, algae wafers and goldfish flake all ground to a very fine powder. No less than a pint of water pre tadpole, and all tads need to be seperated or they will eat one another. They only need a very small amount of food powder, like the size of a pea or less. Over feeding can kill them. Water changes are a must! Everyday you need to change at least 90% of their water. No way around this, or they will die. Even when the water looks perfectly clear, the water changes must still be done. Room temp should be just fine for them. Do not handle them what-so0ever. They are extremely delicate tads.
tell me about it. i wake up sunday morning to find half my mealworms eaten and invaded by ants and monday to find my mom destroyed my tadpoles. what a week its turning in to.