I joined because i need help ! please



Hi everyone , listen i came home after the weekend was gone for a few days and its been about a week since i have really looked at my male Tokay gecko.

I looked at him today and he notcied he was a little thin. I put on gloves to handle him and he didnt bite nor open his mouth he did although try and slowly walking away. after I grabbed him i noticed his one eye is shrivelled and recessed into his head. and he doesnt seem to have any strength.

ive put him in an isolation tank about 6-8 gallon tnak from his original 20 gal.

Im very nervous as to what is happening , ive never seen this before and ive had geckos for about 4 years now. a madagascar day gecko, crested geckos, sudan plated and now a tokay i bought about 5 months ago.

please any suggestions on what is happening or wrong?? and any suggestions or knowledge on how to aid him properly??

please and thank your for your time !

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