I jsut gave my # to the devil


New Member
So yea... I wasn't thinking and gave my number to this girl who is known to call CONSTANTLY! She was mixed up with my boyfriend and his buddies and drugs, stealing, and everything else. My boyfriend's a f****-up as are his buddies, but whatever... Yea and this poor girl was mixed in with them. She's like 16, they're 21,24, and God knows how old the other guy is. My b/f gave the girl his number end of 05 met her once; she went around telling people they did the dirty (ha) and called him constantly about stupid stuff. He so lovingly introduced her to his buddy a few months ago. They hit it off, both were getting what they wanted basically. This girl was then wrapped in their mishief and screw-upness... She contacted me on myspace, and I feel for the girl. I mean in her shoes I'd like someone to talk to. All four were put in jail, or juvie in her case, but she was the only one bonded out as she only had 1 charge at 15,000$. my boyfriend's totaled up to $50,000 (3-4 felonies and something else), and Lord knows what the other guys are (MUCH more I assume). So, anyway, I feel for the girl, and I know, I wouldn't mind talking to another girl about the situation, as I'm stuck in it (can't manage to pull away because I'm an idiot). Plus, I'm sure she wouldn't mind talking to someone who knows what all went on. I wasn't involved at all. I'm not an idiot in that sense. No drugs, stealing, etc for me.But yea, so this girl that is KNOWN for obsessive calling now has my number, and says she'll call! AY! She's one of those, that if you say call me in 5 minutes, well 5 minutes on the dot she calls. But yea... There goes my cell phone bill. I'm not rude like they were and egged her on just to have her call and ignore her, but then answer 10 calls later. She'll for real call 5 times in a row if you don't answer. I'm a retard... Ha...

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