i lost him


New Member
moved from texas to italy
...now i cover ALL my tanks everytime!!!!!!!!!...and i put a rock over!!!
...yesterday my shine (the super hypo gost from paul) has try to bite the insect creening for escape....i think is the "escape season" this...but now my reptil room is complitly CLOSE!


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
marula said:
...now i cover ALL my tanks everytime!!!!!!!!!...and i put a rock over!!!
...yesterday my shine (the super hypo gost from paul) has try to bite the insect creening for escape....i think is the "escape season" this...but now my reptil room is complitly CLOSE!

One possibility for him trying to escape is it may be too hot. When was the last time you checked the temps and what were they?


I am so glad that you found him and that he is OK and I think that is a great name for him
Brandy and Tangerineman- I hope that you find your geckos soon


Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
They are little escape artists!!! One of the BEST stories I ever heard was from a customer of mine who's gecko escaped from a tank that wasn't latched. She tore apart the entire tank, then the room, and then the whole house, searching for her to no avail. She called me broken-hearted after not being able to find her gecko after 4 days. I assured her that she would eventually find her gecko.

Several months went by, and the customer was ready to buy another gecko having given up on ever finding her lost one. She wanted one that looked exactly like her other one, and was willing to wait for one. A week or so later, she called me and was ecstatic! Her gecko has miraculously re-appeared back in it's tank... thin, but alive and alert! She thought she was going crazy. (So did I...)

As it turned out, her housekeeping service had found the gecko under the refrigerator while cleaning, and simply put it back in it's old tank without letting her know until they returned the following week and told her. The gecko is still alive and well today.

Since then, when I hear of an escaped gecko I always tell folks to check under the fridge... it's warm, there's moisture from condensation, and apparently a decent bug supply!


New Member
moved from texas to italy
ahhahahaha...really funny marcia ;-)
..stitch,my reptil room is constantly monitored for temperature...they only whant to see what's happend around...i'm sure because only him and shine try to escape!..and they are my geckos that love take a look around when i cleaning their tank ;-)
..brandy..good luck again..inform us when you found them!

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