I need some reassurance...


Happy Gecko Family
I'm sorry I know I've been posting too much recently, but I'm really concerned with my gecko's well being...so, here I go again.

I put Marly in Zhului's tank once again tonight; its 1.5 hrs already and they seem to get along fine so far. At first Zhului was very laid back, and let Marly nip her all over. After a while when she no longer wants to tolerate, she runs away from him. Marly, being a well-behaved gentleman this time, left her alone and didn't chase after her. They're chilling in different area now; but if Marly sees Zhului walk by, he'll attempt to mate with her again. When Zhului runs, he'll let her go. Is this normal behavior for a breeding couple? As far as I know, there is no successful copulation yet; I'm just hoping they'll get it done eventually when no one is watching.

My question is, do you really think it's ok to leave them together for a few days? The problem is, Zhului's tank is not that big; 55x45cm only with 1 humid box, 1 small rock hide and 1 piece of cork bark flat. You think that's enough for the two of them?


Happy Gecko Family
I just watched Marly squeezed into the moist hide with Zhului inside it; she raised her tail and then kicked him out, and Marly took that fine. He is now resting under the wood. I guess that means they're getting along fine? How come Zhului doesn't let him do it? She is definitely ovulating (to the point that she doesn't want to eat now), if Marly keeps trying, you think Zhului will let him eventually?

How many days do you think is necessary? I don't want them stressed out, but I do want some eggs...

Thank you so much for reading this.


Happy Gecko Family
I just separated them. The past hours, Zhului stayed inside her humid hide while Marly rested here and there. There was absolutely no interaction. However when I took out Zhului to mist her hide, Marly saw her and vibrated his tail; Zhului seemed very scared and dashed while wriggling her tail. She went under the wood, Marly poked his head inside and they broke into a fight. I lifted the wood immediately and noticed Marly had bitten Zhului on her cheek, and scraped off a little skin.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I wonder how they'd do in a larger enclosure (if possible) that was home territory to neither of them. I actually keep my breeding groups together all season and rarely have problems. I did have some trouble introducing a male to a new female who was gravid when I got her (probably by a juvi male who was too young; all those clutches were infertile). She fought with him at first and I removed him, but when I caught her right after she'd laid her (infertile) clutch, she tolerated him, laid 4 fertile clutches with him, and now lives peacefully with him.



New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Don't blame you a bit for not wanting to keep them together! It can be frustrating when potential injury becomes obvious. Since they are older and used to being alone, it may take many times for them to tolerate each other. They might not ever, but it's too soon to tell. Your seasonal changes could affect breeding as well.


Happy Gecko Family
I wonder if it has anything to do with the strong typhoon near by...why does it seem so easy for everyone else? :main_no: I'm going to check her belly when she calms down more (she jerks when I touch her now); I need to make sure she hasn't reabsorbed those follicles; or if possible, she has turned those follicles to infertile eggs...?

Aliza, I was actually thinking maybe I should put them both in a small container briefly next time, because my girl is always receptive at first. The smaller container could reduce her walking and possibly make it easier for Marly to hold her still. I think I'll try that a few times, if that doesn't work out, I'll change male.

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