I've just spent great deal of time researching 'Enigma Syndrome' and have come to the conclusion my poor Ingrid has the worst case of it (a 5 on the TESS scale). She wasn't eating, because she can't
I'm going to have to hand feed her. She can't even get to her water without assistance. A lot of what I read leans towards euthanasia, however,little Ingrid is SO sweet and SO friendly. She circles a lot when she's happy,and then she'll just curl up and take a rest on you.
I'm use to doing the whole 'animal rescue' thing, rehabilitating sick animals etc, so I don't mind taking care of her, but I was wondering if anyone had any great pointers/ideas to help Ingrid's life be the best it can be. I have most certainly fallen in love with this sweet girl. Now I know why she was so inexpensive
poor baby 
I'm use to doing the whole 'animal rescue' thing, rehabilitating sick animals etc, so I don't mind taking care of her, but I was wondering if anyone had any great pointers/ideas to help Ingrid's life be the best it can be. I have most certainly fallen in love with this sweet girl. Now I know why she was so inexpensive