I'm in trouble!!!

Hello guys,after earning money enough for the habitat and accesories,the gecko and the food,that happens.
The habitat and more arrive today or tomorrow.So i asked to my favorite pet shop,www.tecno-fauna.com,it's awesome!
i asked for leopard geckos,the gay said to me he hasn't got babys yet,but he has 2 or 3 adult females,so what should i do,should i wait or should i buy a female????
sorry for my english,im from spain.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you want to know whether you should get an adult now instead of waiting to get a baby later? It really depends on what you like. If the store has an adult that you like, then get it. If you can only afford a baby, then wait. The only important thing is not to get something you don't like just because you can get it now and don't want to wait.


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