I'm new...got a food question...



Hey I'm Brittany...I've had my leo for about 7 months...His name is Marley :afro: and he's a happy and heathy leo...(my problem is the opposite of my boyfriend's leo Ziggy...haha...stuborn little guys;))

so just recently Marley stopped eating...i have a new substrate down and i heard that that can stress them out to where they don't want to eat a few days...i also heard that they know when it's winter and they eat less...

i was just wonderin what was the longest time any of ya'lls geckos didn't eat that are still good healthy leos...any advice would be great thanks...:main_thumbsup::main_thumbsdown: :main_huh:

Here's Marley

DLS Reptile

Any change in their enclosure could cause them to stop eating for a few days. I would keep it the way it is (which substrate are you using)? I had a leo escape for 6 months before I found it(the first 2 weeks were exhausting trying to find her, then I just put food out for her and kept my eye out) she was skinny but I nursed her back to full health. They are very tough animals. I would not worry.. Just make sure your temps on the hot side are 88-90 degrees to stimulate eating.


I was using a moss kinda substrate...but i just switched it back to this wood chip kind and he's eating again :)... thanks for the advice though...

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